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Canterbury, Kent, England

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To which His hfaiefty was pleated to return the following molt gracious Anfwer. T Tike very kindly this Mark of

... To which His hfaiefty was pleated to return the following molt gracious Anfwer. T Tike very kindly this Mark of your Doty and Affellion to Me: You may allure yont Rives, That my Endeavours 014 never be Wasting to promote the Trade Proftietity, and Happinefs ...

'tilt from Ear io tar, and foetal Other Marks of Violence, by which belicvcd he was robb'd and murdered. The

... 'tilt from Ear io tar, and foetal Other Marks of Violence, by which belicvcd he was robb'd and murdered. The Report of the Death Of Sir John Sc. AUbin Bars. Knight of the Shire for the County of co;nwall, is without Foundation. It's very much fufpated ...

C3meley. An a light red pied young Dog, with wall or grey Eyes, mark'd with en 0 as above, about

... C3meley. An a light red pied young Dog, with wall or grey Eyes, mark'd with en 0 as above, about 19 Inches high. A,n-fwers to the Name Rockwood And on Tuelday the feventh Inflant 101 l between Sittingbourn and Ofpringe, one Couple of Harriers, a blue ...

Amllerthm, March 12. By 1 etter. rectiv'd from D:n-mark eve ate iolorad, that fince tt,e Co omeoccit.ei.t I ..

... Amllerthm, March 12. By 1 etter. rectiv'd from D:n-mark eve ate iolorad, that fince tt,e Co omeoccit.ei.t I Mortalitv tilt Cattle to the 2401 01 Januar/ pia, there Ita%e (li:d 284827 Us 11, Cows Calves, Li nLti 94974 died iii the DiittliV of Sleinick ...

W Herta' falfe and malicious Iteports bave lately been in: •vv dultriouily fpread about this Place and in the ..

... Tags, mark'd WD. and tiveld on the Back, Ear mark'd with an under Square, and an upper Farthing in the near Ear, and an upper Square on the further. Alto 101 l at the fame time, Five Lambs; two marked with X. tiver'd crofs the Loin; and three mark'd with ...

v- 1 7

... Argent, Hilt and Panel, Or, on a Chief Azure Three Bezants. A Tea- Wale r, mark'd with the Arms or C,eft. A Muflard and Pepper Catior, without any Mark. And five Tea Spoons mark'd with B. Whoever can give Notice of Lhe abovefaid Plate, fo as to be recover'd ...

To be Lett at Michaelmas next, AMcfruage with two Barns and other Out. honks, and feveral Parcels of Land, Arable,

... and Come White near Dctling, and Bredhurft, or Conic or one of them, of his Tail; he has no Horn Mark, nor commonly called or known by the Name of Ear Mark, his Horns arc large, and Rand/pp Polly-Fields, now in the Occupation of the WI- Whoever can give ...


... in the further Ear, handfome ftrait Horns, coming 4 Years old; one black low long- horned Runt, marked • B on the near Horn; one elderly black Py'd-Runt, mark'd • B on the near Horn; and one brown Runt, white under the Belly: And alfo a ftout Gray Gelding ...

. ct . _ Canterbury, O. 1 a, 1737. Whereas feveral Farmers rcfiding near this City, and in fevcral other

... LOST on Monday the third of this Inßant Oaober, Seventeen Tags, mark'd J. D. upon the near Hip behind, grazing upon Barham Dawn, Redokeed from Head to Tail, the Mark being a Pitch Mark. Whoever can give Tidings of the faid Weather Tags to John Ckringbull ...