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Leicester Chronicle


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Leicester Chronicle

through Leicester

... Aston Villa, inspired by The purse was £6OO to fight in FORTHCOMING attraction from Leicester Sports Centre is the Tommy DochertY to an uplift Milan but Larry wanted to Scotland-Midland Counties' athletics match, staged on Saturday, from a seemingly ...

Published: Friday 23 May 1969
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1305 | Page: 30 | Tags: none

the property John Merithaw. LoochhorOneh, Nov. 13, aoJ •••sentenced *ix inonlhs’ hard labour Tmos. PaaTaiuuß ..

... bet-u proved agaiust him, was seuteoced ten year* trausportatiou. JoSRFH Barlow, charged breaking into the house of NVm. Docherty, Ashby, Sept. 1. and stealing therefrom about £3 in money, and a riug. was acquitted. Tuos. Spenckr, charged with stealing ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1851
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1288 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Marricit 3 OW. Beer not out Pord, b Findley S. Heath, ran out 8 8 W. Dexter. c Sitwell b F. HL Doagal T P. Pek H. Sutteo, aml H. Docherty dd not bat A. J. Whitmore, Sid W H. Dunkiey, not ow. 22 well b Marritt 6 6 G. R. Cooper, b Marriott 0 Philips, ¢ b Extras ...

Published: Saturday 21 August 1909
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1198 | Page: 5 | Tags: none


... disappeared in about two hours. Twenty-four hours had elapsed between the explosion and the first search. A miner named John Docherty was run down by a passenger train at Coatbridge on Saturday night, and both his legs were torn off. He waj removed to the ...

Published: Saturday 06 October 1894
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1486 | Page: 9 | Tags: none


... con- sisted of 52 rounds. It is described as a sickening exhibition, and both men were frightfully battered, the features of Docherty, who was afterwards apprehended, being hardly recognisable. The fight was for the light-weight championship of Scotland ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1879
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1544 | Page: 7 | Tags: none

Smnmarg oi fyt $Se*k's $tfos

... The jury returned a verdict of Wilful murder against some person unknown. On Monday, at Wakefield, an Irishman named Docherty was charged with a savage assault on his wife on the previous day by stabbing her over the left eye with a table knife. The ...

Published: Saturday 27 January 1877
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1737 | Page: 6 | Tags: none


... Miller away, was a very re- mote one. I hear the Bolton team will in all probability be strengthened by the acquisition of Docherty, the Coultuirs' centre-half. Sheffield Wednesday liave shown such consistent form this season that few were prepared for ...

Published: Saturday 20 October 1894
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1710 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Monday last, Colonel Baker aaked for a detail of twenty-five cavalry, which were sent to him under com mand of Lieutenant Docherty. He then detailed Lieutenant-Colonel E. J. Conger and Lieutenant L. B. Baker, formerly in the cavalry under his (Col. Baker's ...

Published: Saturday 13 May 1865
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2313 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

£smm»i tst mt W&ttKs gtw,

... hospital again certifying that the poor man is in too weak a condition to be removed to the court to give evidence. Patrick Docherty, a young man, wss executed on Tuesday morning in South Prison Glasgow, for the murder of John Miller, near Rutherglen, Glasgow ...

Published: Saturday 09 October 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2866 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

SKUtmarj irf tfc.m&'t %v

... should tell tke purckaser tbat ke was selliug suck. Tke conviction was af- firmed. ** Four men named Jokn Cole, Peter Docherty, Purves Bower, and George Hall kave been appre- kended ky Sergeant McDonald at Biskop Auck- land, ckarged witb causing tho ...

Published: Saturday 06 June 1874
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3879 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

I Bteir..*>--* ■i. - —-a io .i__ » * •_ »

... tbe 18th inst. in her 68th year, the Hon. Miss Craven, sister of the late Earl of Craven. On the 7th mat. aged- 66, Agnea Docherty, wife of Farvah Gallagher, weaver, in Prestwich. For a long time past she had experienced a difficulty in swallowing any ...

Published: Saturday 31 August 1839
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4639 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

S-tmnarg of ifc __Uik's Jistas

... a woman named Lock, was hourly expected last night, as he was lying in the Infirmary in a most critical condition. Peter Docherty, pointsman on the Caledonian Railway, has been fined £7, with the Option of two months' im- prisonment, for having been drunk ...

Published: Saturday 04 October 1879
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5423 | Page: 12 | Tags: none