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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the continued to ttavel through the country as a beggar, until a few days before her death, and feemed perfeffly refigned to her fate, in full confidence that her death would be announced in the news- papers. She was truly a fingular charaaer, having wore ...

I i I' N A I'l C AS VI. CM

... funatioii of Mr V.'at'fe.-n's fund to that purpofe, test made, nor perhaps ever thought of hv him, lie's truftees after his death, muff be fee afidc one ler; either by a Court of Juflice, as nut legal or I them to make ; or elfe by the Lcglflature'i-.fUf ...


... which th_ tree f drove ti e unfortunate man's head into the L-u: bus left a wife and five infant children to r:»-. mature death. [*Maft feveral £ £ts of Parliament received f KUint — ft. London Gmutte. I ** sgunft the Union, and ftvera! d'iftin_t arti- ...

I.v,> n - :-. lv is

... tbe jath depree of rclaiion- fnip. The heir at law contended, that Mifs De- viime, being an abed at the time of her father's death, the property be bad left would not veil in. her, although the had been fence naturalized ; tbis objection, the Lord Chancellor ...

the Peter [burgh Court Gazette of tl with the motives whieii have iadsced ror Pau! to take the flops v.hicii

... thoufand of the Maltefr him to Egypt ! This conduft fo ■ MaUefe, that during the fiege, V French made xayjirtirr tiie put them to death. When the Gr' well [applied with preriCoat. , , . to the unfortunate Dolomieo, ; n _; ,, :c -.l on board the T.iton, an ,■ ...