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LONDON, April 5

... Witneffss. It appear'd onthe Behalf of Higgs, that be fhew'd great Rtluftancy to go to Mr. Ball's Murthcr; but whether that may render him an Objeft of Mercy is not yet known. The Council for his Majefty on this Occafion, were Mr. Ser- jeant Witacre, Leonard ...

Published: Sat 02 Apr 1726
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1330 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

LONDON, April 11

... One Gentle- man offered 50 Guineas to 40 of the former, and was taken up. They write from Taunton, That laft Monday Roger Bryant, being at Work at Mr. Lawfon's at Whit Lyrn- ing, while the People were out, endeavoured to be fa- miliar with a young Woman ...

Published: Sat 08 Apr 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1092 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

From Frrmi the Dai;y journal June 1 . 6. ii LY wri~e from Lis!: , on, June 8, N. S

... Fortifications were in admirlib!c Omits. Letter. from New York, by Capt. Veer, dated the 9th of May, advile of the heaver Capt Smith, and the Mbany Cppt.. Bryant, being arrived there from London; That the Spanifh Guard . de Copt's firm Porto Rico had taken ...

LONDO NT,. March 12

... Highnefi' hath done this Country will ever be re> « membred by us wiih Pieafure; and we heartily wifh, that all your Days « may be as full of Joy, as your Prefence makes this Day to us. j The Prince was pleafed to receive the Sheriff and Gentlemen in a ...

Published: Sat 09 Mar 1734
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 2694 | Page: 2, 3, 4 | Tags: none

L 6 N D 0 X

... Tuefday a Trial came on at the Court of Kings-Bench, Weftminfter, between one Bryant, a Footman, Plaintiff, and his late Mafter, Defendant, on an Aclion brought by the faid Bryant for falfe Imprifonment, on Sufpicion of having robb'd the Defendant of Rings ...

Published: Thu 29 May 1735
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 923 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

From the London Cavite, April 4;

... Inditiment, he was likewife acquitted of the Lift. Briftol, April r. Our Merchann have Letters from on Board the Tewksbury, Capt. Bryant, trading at Abonoe,_ on the Gold Cmft of Guiney, that in her Paffage from Bofton, where Ike was lately built on Purpole for ...

With the moft Materi

... ers reported feveral large fuch a Condud in any Enzlifhmen tho* he Our Merchants have Letters on Board the Tewksbury Capt Bryant trading at Abonoe on Gold Coaft of Guiney that in her Paffage from Bo-fton where was lately built on Purpofe for the Sea follow ...

Published: Tue 11 Apr 1738
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1511 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

From sAI URDAY May 27, CO E.DNEsp I May 31. 1738

... From sAI URDAY May 27, CO E.DNEsp I May 31. 1738. • Frnm the L , ndo4 atily PO, &c. May 29. w . E hear that Tianfports are ordered to b: got ready for embarking Three Battalions of the Fo-t LTua,d:, 2 nd oth er L a nd F orc es. To-in , rrow an Admiral ...

With the moft Material Occurrences Foreign and Domeftick Vol XVII Tuefday June 6 1738 No 846 MtM tur laft arriv'd

... Occurrences Foreign and Domeftick Vol XVII Tuefday June 6 1738 No 846 MtM tur laft arriv'd Mails fronts F ranee ’Holland GentOy May 10 Veffel here with Corn from England but laft from Lif-bon for want of Sale at that Place : Another Veflel has alfo fince that ...

Published: Tue 06 Jun 1738
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1961 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

that the the Money it thought no Harm therein After a dear Hearing the Evidence being full a Crime he

... Apothecary in the City of Gloucefter being determin’d leave Trade entirely in order thereto will give all the Encouragement may be to any young Beginner that (hall be willing to take his Houfe and Stock is new built with Brick leaded at the Top and Bands ...

Published: Tue 11 Jul 1738
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1865 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... point of Oath, could not without disburtbening - his Confcicncc of this claik Sccne of Roguery. . .. • • • Yclienitay Tuno Bryant, Mare of a fic•Vand's Trader, was comity' ie . (' to Nm-Prilon by Dettnie, for thetarbarous Murder of his Wife, committed ...

LONDON, July 8

... at the point of Death, could not expire without disburdening his Conlcier.ce ol this dark Scene of Roguery. Yeflerday James Bryant, Mace of a Holland's Trader, was committed to New Prifon by Dennis, for the barbarous Murder of his Wife, committed the fame ...

Published: Thu 13 Jul 1738
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3138 | Page: 3 | Tags: none