... OLD BAILEr-FzunAr MORNING. The -Nenwgate calendar has not been remembered to con. tain so many persons for capital offences; among them are the following for murder:- - - James Mitchell, for the murder of Miss Welchman; Wl liam Hiolins; for the murder of Mary Pilchin; Jabaibe r Silva, for the murder of 'I homas flavis; Edward Medgeftt, f rthe murder of Margaret his wire; and Jane Collins, for ...


... JO :-S2itEEz'. A gang of juvenile robbers has lately Ticerx diqca- vetred, 5 sc expcrtness in thieving has onvt ?? equall ed tor a corisiderabile time past. fn the mourth of Octoler lais, iaMr. 1rirrcup, of the Crowil-Oftiec, ini the 'T'empiv, lital Ihis watch, chain, aud seals, stoleir firom his brealdiot-Sable. le was at breakfaist, and biad stepped for a few riinutes into an adjorining ...


... UCOii 'OF U'NC,;],N1'ER E' PAlRTE ST311LiE, I. Nt'. TH .1NIiCPUPTCY OF 131l.iiS.M. Thig 11a1 s Dan ?? 'for blavinn the ?? superseded, or the Ba h lihilt's certiicate sttayedI alitd the A.ssignees renmoed, on tile ground thiat a. iqliiber tof debts had beei allowed to bc'proved IJ'y friend.ii and reiatives of the Bankrnpt, tsylo were not in realisf Cie- ditowrs, but who bad prvovl lnvrely fir ...


... Li$' ZI'T'1LLtGLN-CLE. Cnldl nr. CHiAN Clgnl, MA~eh 25 . iile J.ORD (h~ctCFziqLdR conthiued to Hold tle fourth atid i :, Seal artr 14lila rerm;; but nothirtg nt arny ptkllic interest mourLi~d. Ilis t.nrdhIdp row ebon. aftcf two o'lock, having to a tt L'( ritry Council,; at wrhich the lUecordt~r o.f Lon~lon w-as t- malcae hils iteport ai tn certain persons wlo lhad been capittl- vy (crnIvist(l ...


... P o L I C E. M 'It LBORitOU -.S'rr Z .-n e ierday Richardi Roxsal!, t ci. divant attorney's clerlk, w-as charged w'i'h obtairni.i.iy trr rrd iol. oa Mr. ll-, a (hrctlemian of iortutic, io e- trec, arisiog out of the tolloo'i.rg circunst vic-s .-t it, I, by cie te thiony .f an induirdtrious imrs o; tiena- ie ot (A).11iret, 'a ho rcsides in Swvilow-atreet, thlt he hlii a httie boy rut ove troy ...


... .MIDDLESEX SESSIONS, ELEAroR HANNON and PATRICK CONNOR were yesterday sndidaed for uttering a bad 3s. token to Mr. Silt-, of zlhe :ic borough Ian, Alariborough-street, knowing it to he to. h ap- lieared from the evidence, that:on the 29th of Jaiiutry last the prisoner Hannon went into Sile's house and called for - glass of gin, tendering a 39. piece for payment, which' hIl. Silc immedi- ately ...


... -11iF -VTI.LL.Ih'CE. t'OPT't (F MNO'Sf' INtN .1! Ca . 6, 18 SFt.tun-~s 7t U~ct n/ rX1-2 be )rr Lord Ellen. Tll- RtING V. IARL'It xvis an rn min~ ~F nent fliti agatrat tl~e Defe-ndant, For asnn'iitinz Lieslteriiztt De anet of ti e Royal NaLvy, while in the discharve of his dusty, and rescuingr tomI him Ti m inn whoin he lint ii Ijrr!ei aisecu h to in- truoffion,; received by himi from the Lotds ...


... p o 1. I C 1.P Q-iceicoArr.-J. Boswell, Eaq. exihibited a coaajlili.t a ai:,sj thei driver of thle lbachni coach No. 6i¶,, for C.ace-' 0: :are. .Mr. N. who had just returned from at visit to S3coifsia tra;'clling dress;, the clacennaau ap!petred to hayV~ r si. t I-I' it c, uscry Gelntlectan, whollv igiloranit of lwi,,nt. !` n - tit C ~ity lie wats driveiu to the Hun-inirnuns Cqvny. -l . ~ I' ...


... veONESOAv, AstPRL 27, 1814. TA't'CIN'TEN V. WALSH. This Cause came on to be heard, exparte briefs not having been delivered to Counsel on the part of the next of kin. The question before the Court was respecfing two papers pro- pounded as the Will and codicil of Ann Thompson, late of l'ethali, in the county of Kent, widow, deceased, wife of the late ttev. l1enry Thompson, Clerk, of the same ...


... aw. i N 2 LE). i .4IN 12E'LLIGENC6E. COURT OF CHANCERY, Auc. Itr. !- .X-A nil SUMtnrre , TN T'E MATTRIt OF BRATIAM. in this cate, the siub;rnce of vwhicht we stated when d Lim r¢!>MtcervIS firnmcty before the! Court, I! M40S.'TF Wou ws thir dtv heard in support of the Petition, wltich played that tlhe bnkrupt's certificate , migrht be staved on the mnotind of a numisber of artificial d ebts ...


... L A 1 IN TELL IG 2VCE. 1f101ZDA, Nov9AZ 1. 1ttS1B4. Tis being tde first day of Michaelmas Term, trie JTudges waited upon the LOrd Chiancellor, as usul, and from his Lordship's house proceeded in state to their respedive Courts. . cotllrr tlF CIl.ANCFRY., THrE ATTOxRtNE GUNEflAL Ok TIE PRINCZ 0t WALLS V. STEVEN.S Sir AnTutIn PIGOTT stated, that in this case a bill had been filed for ...


... . - _ . - . . _ I Calender of the Crown Prisoners, who are to take d I their trials at the above Assizes, which commenced e on Saturday, the 5th March, 1814. . LAWRENCE RAWSTORNEEsq. Sheriff. bi r James Haworth, charged with having stolen a geld- mr ing, at Manchester. p( e John Brierley wvith having stolen two pieces of k cotton cloth, at Great Heaton.- in . Simon Mellor, with having forged ...