... DREADrVL ?? AT EURtY. On Tuesday week thbe town anid neighbourhood of Bury wvere thrown into considerable excitement by a unutder commllitted under the following circom- stances :-A man named ,Joseph Barlow, a calico printer, about forty-two years of age, has for many years lived on bad termrs with his wife annd family, owing, it is said, to a feeling of jealousy on his part, which all who ...


... IATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE THE PRESI. ~DENZT OF THE UNITED STATES, [From the NMttional Intelligencer of Jan. 31.1 The funeral of the late lamented Warren R. Davis, of South Carolina, took place yesterday from the Capitol, ac- cording to previous arrangement. The gloom of the day rendered the occasion yet more gloomy. Neither House of Congress transcated business. After vards the Senate ad- ...


... Thle Rlev. Joint StaiaLtoe wasl indicted for having forgedi attil uttcred a decd purpoorting to convey certain property ati Page Bank, withl initent to defraudl John lazakerly. O)ther I cotnnts charged with itrtent to defraud the Dukc of ?? , 0 Tb'e prisoner had forme rly been inicumbent of thre church ot V Ramtsidc, near Ulecrstotr, ?? gboutt two years ago he was I suspendedl ftrr implroper ...


... CROWN COURT, .1ONDAY, ?? 3L0. AI it ?? twvelve o'l: h.1,I ?? Jasstic a AL D9 ItSO N took hs Iiis seat o n thle 132nurl, and the usual preliminaties hosing bonn gone thlonogh, the t following gentltemaen were Swoon of tile GRAND JURY. Sir GEORGsE AtaseTAsGc Bart. ofit irk-less-liall, Froteoset. Thlle Hotn. Will. Laseelic0. of Goltdsiro`. Tite I-lot. .lohrr Stuart Nv'orrticy, of wssrtlo.yI TIhe ...


... SUFFOLK LENT AS15ES (rcoyicludeclftovi last week.) %KI[[ IREIftu C4,tlTMT We have little to add to tile repiort sit the cause M-add V. Suckrkc'iore, ha stated] in owt last. The c.ause comne oi a 2 o'elock onl the Wednesday, and lasted till between 8 anid 9 o'clock on Friday evening. The case being gone thr'ough the Jury laid their' heads together & returried a verdict tot' the defendant, ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET. SrNGUL..A CAs..-A VOLung- man of very repulsive ap- pear-abe, having lis hair fastened in a knot, with a comb in the same manner as a woiman's, wet yestortloy brought before Mr. Conant on the followiag charge:- The previous afternoon he had been seen to decoy a lit- tle child into a house in Church. street, in which he occu- pied a garret, and information of the ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-FsuDAY. WHVrrrAleE. V. LEACH. This was an appeal from the Court below, against a decision on exceptions taken to the Master's report. The question arose out of the construction to be put on the will of a lady named Slade, who had devised certain free- hold avd copyhold lands, situate at Bampton Abbots, in the county of Oxford, to Richard Whittaker, for life, and then to his ...


... LAW INWLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-WEDNESDAY. WARREN V. BURTON. This was a motion, by way of appeal, from an order of the Vice-Chancellor. The plaintiff was a travelling preacher, of the Weslcyan Methodist connection, for the district of Manchester, and in that capacity had under his spiritual guidance the congregations of Eve of their cha- pels. Some time in the year 1834 a question arose in ...


... C~ENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT.-MONDAY. These sessions cvimnsenced to-day, N lie ihe Court was opened wvith tie ?? lorn:s, aol] the Recorder, Mr. Scr- jeant Arabin, lbe Lord Maosr, &e., took thein seats on the bench. Thbi Grand Jury having been sworn, the Learned Reo corder proceeded with his usual t I)arge, is whirl, however, there .115 ?? point of soy piubilc interest. T'he ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TliJs DpAk COtlRT OF ('HANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at ten. First 9enl.-Motions. N'IC Ci-HNCELLORWS COtRT. I.NCOLN'S INN. Sittligs at tell. First Seal.-Mfotlthon. IIOWlS' COl-RT, CHANCEIER-LANE. Ti~vSIttings at ten. F.tdOOtll H Ilwayer, for ?? v Fernhead, ditto- ?? a Nt alhnsley, ?? s teet, ?? v Levi, ditto, and tttfiivtt5t (.Olt'll 01 EIXCS ?? Mlll)ttf.~ExSE SlEI IacL JntES. ...


... LAW INTTLLIGENCB. COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATURDAY. Lords Commissioners Sir LjtNCEI.OT SHtADWELL and Mr. Justice BOSANQUET gat to-day to bear motions, which were putndown to be hiard In the order of tbhir iatec. . 1HARODMAN 01. SLAnAIR. )Mr. KONDrEROLYT moved In this case to discharge an order of the Master of the Roll, by which his Honour directed the defendzat to produce for the Inspection or the ...


... MARLBORO UGH-STREET. AMiss Maria Mitchell and Miss Adelita Coin, a brace of dingy nymphs, were charged by the police with having been discovered squabbling in broken English, and fighting to- gether in the Hlaymarket. AMr. D)5iin: Well, Aluria Mitchell, what have you to say to this disorderly conduct ? Aliss A'litcihell (sobbing): Pis lady alnivss front me when she see me in *Ic llaymarket. ...