Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M. ANCILLON. The death of M. Ancillon, the able Minister for Foreign Affairs in Prussia, is an event of some importance, and is likely to be productive of a change in the government of that country. Among us the death of a nrivister is not a matter involving conseqnences of such magnitude; but in P'rtissia, where the stability and choice of a ministry depend solely upon the Monareh, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .. 1 11 T IL _ .AXpil 21, it Bsilfiod,. Mnmity Moitalgitao. thei IA :I ?? 'I'lhontson, E son. of a Sil. A Ill I25, it Liurgan U'lob.c tile 1,:Ltlv of tiUt. Ry,. of a dlaugiter. At ( nieneutit, near Au0inaelo,-, the reoi 1 b t tiher, thue Lady of thu lied Z-v. Jamt .tetvtivt f. a l , Arril 24!, tihe Lady tiittelle Stitai \iit1t, I at ,_VI A lilt I E D- On Satuirday '22 Ap ril, iii St. (;ili' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - Rlr BIRTHS On Ihe 2Sth ult., in Lower Glouceater.6treet, the lady of T. D. ClancyClanchy, Etq., or a son, On the 27tb nlt., in Cork, the lady of Nicholas Dunscombe, Esq., of a son. On the 25th oVIt.. in Edinburgh, Lady Abereromby, of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 28th ult., the Rev. James G. Murphy, of Ballysharnion, county Donegal, to Marizn, second daughter of Mr. Andrew Kirkpatrick, of Belest. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ay an At, th Alao an AttheManor House, Burtorty o On thie2-t b he On Thursday last, at All Saints j ht-ePv. a- C. R. Hope, Thomas Alellor, youngestson r. Ualt t a farmer, Cauldon, Staffordshire, to Ann, s to MAr. Hodgkinson, grocer, of this town. tes On, Saturlay last, ?? St. Alkmund's, by the Rev.XC. R.- k. Hope, Alr. John Humphreys~ofthis.plee, to.lcmirna Anne,,1 be daughter of the late Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - in Sr C( III 11171.-011 the( 213th ailt, at Conteis Crsicent, Lady A BOB.- Ins Cli tss as', Ora sistI 1[,IT Iri.-At (itectisill P-lace, Glasgow, 2thi nittimo, Mrs C. J. pit iiooofa da ssghler. I 1lIt ?? Ivy Minha, 'Nalri, or. 24th April, tha Laily of at JAIIeS GOItDtaNt, rsq. tots dlaughter. Ct Maiarled, it tilotitrose, oti tlie 213th April, by tie Rtev. James sc Foote ol'Atierdeenl, thle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... te x PT P R _-t - WEDNESI)AY, MAY 3, 18:37. , , lil~~~rtbi. April 27, at Washtleld Parsonage, the Lady of the Rev. Hindl Howell, of a daughter. April 22. at Oxton house, the Lady of J. Beaumont Swete, Esq., of a son. April 23i at the Parsonage, St. Giles, near Torrington, the Lady of the Rev. John Guard, of a son. I At lBraunton, on tile 22nd ult., the Lady of John Bower, Esq., solicitor, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On ondy Filatriage0. Oa Monday lsst, at Sculcoates Church, Mr. Willigs Paxton Jefferson, to Mrargaret Matilds Park. both of IIl. On the 27th alt, at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Brormby, Mr. John Breantly, of Moleacrot to Miss Fanny Doyle, daughtet ot Mr. Baliel Doyle, of Lister-Street, in this town.. Ott the gOth ult. at th0 IolyTrnity Church, by' %e Ese. J. R. Bromby, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... es itxarrtagc%, utlrttp, ant, Meatbo. !y I - in i MARRIED !- IOn the 4th of February last, at Balhia, J. B. FPster, eldest 15 son of John Fo: ter, Esq. to Miss Mary S. Moffatt. le On the 3d jif Mirgh last, at Pornanibuco, Mr. Edward I- Comber, third son of Mr. Andrew Comber, of this town, to 's Eleanor, third daughter of Mr. John Oldham, merchant, of it that city. r, Lately, at Llanfair, Jane, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Claphimn, Pearca R. NeSbitt, al.D. of 1loniton, Dcvon, to Araballa, daughter of the late Dr. Robert Smith.--T. Hlughes Esq. of Low Brooks Farm, to Jane Henrietta, daiighter of tho late Mr. Richard Ho-ward, brewer, of Burnlham, Bucks.-At the Abbey Church, Bath, Edward Kintnersly, Esq. 'of the Mriddlo Temple, to Ghorgiana, only daughter of the late George Corbin, Esq. of the island of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,Civip. Ott N'edrtesiay. att the N'io:la,,tg, Bliaiftird, the lai~y of thle, [ley. kitty ilcip, Of .t duuo~iiter. Ott'it iThuroilay, at nottr parish cliiireih, Mr. Jilthn Job, Sonrt, Ilterpoal, to Etlizabetit, eldest dloogittet of P1. %Y Mlos, Faq. or thiiis oot'tt. ott[it ii h tti~ey wois'e, itoli (t legn~,it, torCittii, lini inlicotir, by rthe Tt''I. attic Flayhi ffe, M1.A., Wit i. Mntit' is ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sfst~~s Bane * 7Xff9/ Hi, ~~19; , a, IT ti MARRIED. n 24th ult., at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, by the 5t Rev. S. Raamsay, Edwin Haward, Esq., surgeon, of Ilales- A worth, to Mary, eldest daughter of the Venerable Archdea. p con Philpot, of Sodor and Man. tv 24th Wlt., at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, MIr. James gi Phillips, draper, of London, to Elvina, second daughter of k Mr. ...