Advertisements & Notices

... andl noutrins the eels- d ,q ed stainenta, so there is neltbiog mere generally acknowlridged .to ov h pcuidl~cfirct~siun sit inward Woettingg, ?? of ?? sir. ledugeo'tios, depceisis of 'opiritsr trembling erso sh eainofthe' ar ot'. bands or, hlionsi ohotinato ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC P S, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and I Is. per Box. Containing a full description ofthe above Complaint, illus. trated with ENGRAVINGS, shewing the different Stages - d *5 t~k N of this deplorable and often fatal Disease, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Breast, Limibs; and Joints, and for rnost' complaints' where n Colds are the origin:' In Fevcrs it has' always been found particolarly efticacious, and when taken in an early. stage of the complaint, has, in Y numberless instances, prevented its running ...

Advertisements & Notices

... breath, as is the case with all other medicines in use for these complaints, and after a cure effected by the use of these pills, the party will not experience any return of the complaint, as generally occurs after taking Balsam of Copaiba, and other drugs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , and destroying their vivacity, cheerful- ness, and health, by bringing on consumption, and all that dreadful train of complaints which niake them timid, hin sical, and ridiculous. Stch as these, undor Divine Iofluene the Cordial Balm of Syriacum wiil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itself a sufficient testimony of its wortli. It is a most agreeable anti powerful diaphorctic, is peculiarly efflicacious in Inward Wasistings, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, 13epression of Spirits, Trem- bling or Shalking of the Hands, Shortness of Breath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oreath, as is the case with all other medicines in use for these complaints, and after a cure effected by the use of these pills, the party will not experience any return of the complaint, as generally occurs after taking Balsam of Copaiba, and other drugs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... disnases of the Chest, they atff;rd immediate relief as well as in all Pul- monary complaints. For Hooping Cougil tley are infallible, generally curing titat dreadful complaint in theshort spaceof 14 to 20 days. The composition of tbesO Lozenges is not ouly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Disorders, Tic Doloreux, Inward Wastings, Lowness of Spirits in every state of Debility, whether na- tural or acquired; Palpitations. of the Heart, Sick Head Ache, Seminal Weakness,: Obstinate Coughs, Dimness of Sight, Liver Complaints, Offensive Breath, Blotches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the head,' back, and loins), hickup, difficulty of respiration and deglutition, anxiety, dry cough, &c. &c. For these Complaints, PERRY'S CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACTM is an efficacaious remedy, as may be seen by the pamphlet delivered gratis by the venders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1839, 1,528 ships altogether, of 135,339 tons burthen. In 1839, 6,179 (940,720 tons burthen) cleared inwards- 83,981 ships (596,046 tons) cleared inwards in ballast, and 2,723 (404;649 tons) outvards. Thus it appears that the: trade ancaavigation of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... breath, as is the case. with Fill other me- dicine' in use for these complaints; and after a cure effected by the use of these pills, the party will not experience any return of the complaint, as generally occurs after takimig Balsam, of Copaiba,. and other ...