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... PUBLIC A1IUSBAIENI'S. BRITISH INSTITUTION, Pal]-mall.-The GALLEfY for tle EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of URITISH ARTISTS OPEN daily, from fen In the Mormine till Five in the Erening.-Admiision, is. Cetalogue, 1s. WILLIAM IhARNARD, Keeper. EXHIBITffWON iofthe SOfCIJ3TY of BRIITISII ARTISTS, SuflbIkletreet, Pal-mall East. is now OPEN for the sea- aim, daily, frcin Nine tili dusk. Adruisln ...


... rOETRY. ,et. uubvitur eturctvarb, war 1l0awuotD. I Froin the British ogparirsefor Frbi'euttl.) YE whose y oung snuls would trearsra deep Bright visions for a future hour, Go, climb St. Budc's ?? steep And stood besido his auciont tower. Front that bold ominence appears A sncne of beauIty, soreh as ohoors The ceare wor spirit, and Imparts Unlingled joy to cnreless hearts. Iojunrieug tihe ...


... ORIGINAL_ PAPERS. OUR SKETCH BOOK. A SMAt't'F UPnOt 01 NCON5!DER55t) TRTtt'L.S. - Old Will 8i eokpere. DEVONSHIRE TALES.-No. 2. THE BELLONA. CHit5. VI. 'Dristrevss, by inporrioptiblo stops, had obscured tho glwsiag iDay, and aill Naur Was ?? in the gloomy abodles of N ight. I maros andl woodereri upon tire Beech, and howlod to thle Wavits fin mly fury. I dlashed itot themn arid defied their ...

Our Scrap Book,

... Our ,c'rrap 130OL OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. DBSTRUCTIVE ENGINES IN WARFARE.-As a recent invention for blowing up and destroying ships or towns has of late excited considerable curiosity, the annexed extract from the travels of Count Falkenstein (Joseph II., Emperor of Germany) will be read with interdst:-* A native of Dauphiny, by name of Dupre, who had ...


... FASHIONS FOR WAP'11,. for I 1 40osr O* 1mos, Ift a't'b' e .tfnqaioe F Itl:o nig 9.1I1 wltnra. 0n i -trito, rnd rclieks. will be faishionmlo thib reo season, in n2cu2;2inc dn nd ei:l for the promnenade, pqplint Igh- hrooihce, rocitcdilk I minuze rotrzein suolbfooieotowr oe n tts green et or lilac gel ?? orlentotos, pon ide sie; f, or do Iis: vlvcttike emoraheiotherettohtnvelt, and dIorifl?3 ig ...


... Udler the Patronaiz.! of her Mijes rY and Prince Ar nsRm. THiE RIOYAL GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, Adelaide-atreet, West Straul.-IR addition to all the nuieal surereesof ttratetjol for whioll this Institutiott hos been so lone col,brnutvd, Mr. C. PAYNE'S patent PROCESS of IALTl.G PROVISIONS is nowr Being shown daily, and visitors are enabled to jadge of itL effIcienCy, meat being cooked oil ...

Selected Poetry

... *Electrb 1?;,Ottrp. I THE TWV7O PATHS. The patis of life ale rudely laid Beneath the blaze of burning skies ; Level and c )ol, in Colujtered shade, The church's pavement lies. Along the suilerss forest glade Its gnarled roots are coiled like erime Whiere groats the 6rass * ith freshelrtig blade, Thine eYes tnay tracl the serpent's slme Bct there thy steps are urlbetrayed, The serpent waaits a ...


... MORE ISMS.' (From the Moruinq Chro icle.) e Being fast in bed with i.e rheumratism, ie I was much amused by your verse iaI ism, m And the multisided iface of schism, a- Each side with its different catechism, o- Which shows ovur church as seen through a prism Trae colours come out throug i that mechanism.) Yahere's scarlet stands for the Babylonism ., Of Newmano-Sewello-Puseyisin teo White, ...


... Ifteraturr. L London p blishea s can forward their worksfor review. addressed to the Editor of the Hll1 Pxcket, to Mr. C. MITC11ELL, 12, Rted Lion-court, Fleet-street; or to Messrs. LONiGMAN and Co., Paternoster-,'ow, to be forwvarded in .12r Bro zon's pa. cel ..N. o periodicaIs or serials w ill be noticed that are nat recei'eedregularly. DOCUMENTS AND s'TArEMENTS RESPECTING nlTl sULPHUlt ...


... The following favrourable notices of works on the steoun-earglne, &c.,'by Mr. WILLIAM TEMPLETON. we select from among many others from various sources. The works will be found ppli_ advertised La the Mfercury. l1on- ..RAILWAYS. Tan LoCOsiervT1 EseNoIN POPULARLY ExPLAtNOKD. By William At at Templieton. Liverflioti: Egerton Smitha and Co. -This smvall volme ivs I apopular su, atd the same time, ...

Foreign Varieties

... foureign rarietit. - i ., . The editor of a Deiware patpor says, he will not attempt to publish all the horrid murders &c, &c., that come to him in the papers, but lie will select the most inotercsti:g 'Ihe UZestpaelia Ifeciury states, that Kiunapfel the murderer of the Bishop of Frauenberg, has becu con- demued to be broken alive onl the wheel, beginning with his lower limbs. The Univers ...


... I r. - Li - / s . - ( From the Landan and paris Ladtea, Aagazine of Fadbion.) Small patterns, stripes, and cheeks will be fashionable this season, in mourviirg dresses; and for the promenade, poplins brochees, vateied silks, I'armareprairtie in small brochee flowers, on light green ecru, or lilac grounds; oriee- tales, pou de soue, fleur de lis; velvet ai/es de mt uche, is the prettiest ...