Advertisements & Notices

... l, LO IS UM NCWF S. nt 0 ME IlCI'E for t~e CURE o` A'SiINIA wad Cu NSETJc IPTI0,N, COUGHS, .i was ev er ttended by sud'setdy and rfailing Bewes us Dr. LOCUC1d bsTJLMONIC WAFER&S In every S.d, pblihmt.on throughouti the kingdom ' t 11ouirsn of. tbeir wuderftil powers. nias bo ec. ltv tcet cures in. 'Maxclester:- - B~exltle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TO TAILO . -JUs tpubUlBhed, ( Olilolt ad PAU~ FS%%~for the Autumnl ON~l ?? GAHOOD. 6, coodndirtreet, ~ L nd ,w ?? by Tm GtOOupeb plate ever pub. ba Be5 tres. Lodon.Tbemss~l U~b~dL~t~nrer. ept ,ting the most fashionlable gar- Or snsn~. arSIC~lfIY th DOW lye pa1~~t overcoatsboth th, onblet,2asied, xpattOs~garments-viz., fre iagleendd ere ?? ?? Parisian style pa ~st with elrlX*, a and particular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ROYAL ATRONAGE. D 7LCCWSPULi6NIC WATERS do DR LOICINE&the CURE ofASI RUAand la COSMTON, COUGHS, 4oe, was ever d sp ed and Bunfailin sue eth as r _ ottoK.PULOeI WAFRS InigI WAvERy.Iee ?? hd ouglioatio threokigdomtteksd n~vseo'eeen testimonials of' their wonderibi powers Be ayth folo e oiov5 recent eurer, in MMancheerter From t Messrs. Lyneh and Butteruorth, Cheethain 11111 dated September ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMBNTS. MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION.- Magnificent and Unequalled Court Costurnes.-MadameTusuaud and Sons, anxious to give the Middle Classes an Idea of the splendour of Court Costume, have entirely re-dressed their female figures In a style usiver before attempted. They respectfully request an early vhlat, as the exposure to the air must soon tarnish their beauty. The graur of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents who do not find their communications noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or de- clise to do so. The great number of communications we receive, containing questions which any person, disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might answer for themselves, renders this notice neceesary. In consequence of the great increase in our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aINGIwo. . AKRR begs to intimate that he is forming another 45L.SS for GENTLEMEN, fur the practice of Singing in bi h lass-r1oom, 115, UNION STREET. - The pieces psdiaitd Vill consist chietly of GLEES, MADXRIGaALS, ROUSDS, j~shing to join are requested to apply immediately '. ER~DEE:N ASSEMBLIES. )ftioaofthelSUBSCRIBERSwillbeheldinthe ASSEm- ;rLk ~IgoOM on Mo sm Y the 24th instant, at three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a' El ~r3tASZ=R3UM*]3 AM ES CARDNO, GaoeuR and SPIRIT MEROHAXT, Shore Lj. bt returning his best thanli to his numer- iJ St mers for their liberal patronage, begs respeetfuUyt- ceal @0C: one of the Puhlic to his newly-arrived Stock of Sll- COFFEES, and other GROCERIES; ' &c*-SC-I of superior qualities, selected personally hen ia London afewv weeks ago-and having made j ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. This present &T'ellag, THURSDAY, Nov. 13, 1845, Will be pcaforaecd, GUY U IANNERING, Meg Morrilers b-y Miss CUlSMAN, To conclude with TIlE WARLOCK OF 'THlE GLEN. To-morroav-Macbethl. Lady Macbeth, miss Cushmtan. After which a filouorite Mcdo-Drama. POPULAR LECTURES ON CHEMISTRY. fl REID'S WVINTER POPULAR COURSE caf LIC- D1) TURFS on CIIEMISTRY begins en Saoec~rv, 1tith go. O. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 51 N E W C O A C II TO SALISBURY, SOUTHAMPTON, and rORnTSmOLtII, , rtom BLAND's OFFIOFS, itUMMslERt HOTEL, BlRISTOL, n _ M 1orningls, Quarterpast Ten, arrives at MIATCAIAMI's HOTEL, P SOUTHAM,'TO'A, in tilme for Steam-boats to Guernsey nnd P d Jersey, sze. . U , Genuine Ichaboe, of finest Quality, t G id^Bags of I cwt. Iqr. each, just imported direct And will bc soil ill an1 y quantities to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IX L.1N XII)AS and CAL- E ;T 1*i I .-1oIa;_urr Monthly Mail Swloa Conv- ?? ?? 1o11J1 PA:S.i O, h 111 d I 'otC1t o 112 io r ts~ by thneir S,2Olltiia h dll,Ml, onl fI tv Suli,. oi, or 121 ' r1l,--~late,, of pfr.i 0w 11011ty1, 12111110 *21 Ife Jl~laagfrs, al,i,'y at Lila Cona lplyt's II pa-',qt'lgl'rs or! tilO 171101 Nof \ lobol', illslead 1. ' ' t ' ,l.,1 01. tive' 1.1 of 1)ecu'o , ilr next. o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '10VEREIGN LIF1 ASSURANCL COM- kS PAN Y..-Tienumnerous ?? for Sare-s in this Company art, iuofrrm iisthat tie neccessary inquiries are being made of ilhur reflerveg, ani that the LETTER'S of ALLOTNEwr wilt hoe issued in a odays. fly order DI the Provistotial Directors, GFORGBE GUMMING, Secretary. Oflices, 5, Jarnegs'-strect, Nov. 0, 1845. 1DELLTY GUARfAN TEIE SCEY Fi Clrwapside, Losrdon.-l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LONDON and PROVINCIAL LAW T ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Capital £X1,00r.0t00, in 20,000 shares of £50 each. Depositri2 per share. flegistered provisionally, ottrsuant to 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 110. DiltnCTORS. Addams, Richard, Esq., Doctors'. Lefroy, George Bentlnck, Esq., commianos Piccadilly Ashltly, the Hon. John Anthony, Alaherlv, Joseph, Eiq., King's- Lincoln's-irn road, Bedford-row Bacrn ...