Advertisements & Notices

... 1-Jo.LY- FO CAlPtA AN D CALCUTTIA, . 8050.. SIN. A. O WENRD.C Marchl152 so 135~70 DONLDCKLE. A. Spr.i1 (02E' .. . . t CAPE AND CTARCU'i7A P1rVMPTO Wih iga, 156WE, II.C.S. July 20ce pCE CAPECalDutADRAi, V:3yfC,,tpt'a BOO PApplyNGto thd reseceive Commsande, patrtel adfrriN Si~se; hon orabuth to MBL of ALLEmoth or, 1130iio one, ith o the ss. eamgrsm , candeetolestre pts t' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sot } VWATCH GIVEN AWAkY fY MISTALE. T'0 | HFE GENTLEMAN who received -t Watch for another ce T Pereot, about Ten davs ago, instead of a gilt one of similar ppearance, in a Watchiskeen S hop in Town, L'y returning it wrill receive an exxplanation. giI FPOUND, he f lC' AND TANN-E,3 11T0G11 TERRIER DOG. v I'lie owner mar have it by proving his property. If not a claime-d itt eight dave, w ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN,. The Celebrated Actor of Colour, THE AFRICAN BO(SCIUS. is Engaged FOP. SIX NIGHTS, and will ?? Appearancp ae these Eight Years. ON THIS EVENING (Monday),j March 1, 0 1847, will be performed a new Drama, called the BLACK DOCTOR Fabian (the Creole, surnamed ?? The Black Doctor) Mr. Aldridge. the African Bosous; Pauline do is Rey- erie, Mrs. Ternan. o To ?? with the Mel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALISON'S HIISTORY O)F ErROPE. ryE!'T~' ilm VLVMEOF TTIlE NE-W ?? i 110 ?? mlat be had of all 1luoksellers, Price '27-I,,7 B -0Il, 4.5 Georee Street, Etlich'breib s. a.' S ries at' One Volume oEn',opeia, ?? in ore1 s ag oue r-.uiomwt ess N I' iI P'Il of CIVIL iCNGINEERINsG, TMi- AT~~~w~r'q-ico artid [Prarial. flV Eo.nlys1 ?? C' t K. LI-tzz ae- Itv al ?? e Three Tholugand Egaiu r of th~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PrnovTrr`,SATx. CON3L5T-EEE. Tie~ lion, the- LORD PR 0VOST. J E ND~ti-N q . -Manufacturer. -MD NIIE-,SON. Esq_, do. IAi b3Ii- BAtED, E-St Writer. Bih~i IAiIRD. Eecq. AM.'T ViL1..1 'i NIIANRKIE R. Et q, Merchant. M NUTy G1.ASS;FORD b!-N.EL. Esq. Advocate, Sherifif- ?? IV ILAi Tlil RPIE. FSs.. of Endrickbank-. V kNOCK. Eer,. 'Rianker. \iil CT IA NAN. Esq. of Shandaon. ,iJ.1:31 E7S C \'MPBYP17 . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL, 'GEORGE STREET. nEGANPERFORMANCES, with CHORUS of FIFTY 1) VOICES, E[ver3, MONDAY EVENINLG. Orqoni4t.ZMr H. E. Diansm.q Conductor of the Chorus-Mr MATHER. Doors open at Eigbs,and Performances commence at Half- -past Eight o'clock. Admission to the Body of the Hall, One Shilling; and to -the Gallery, Sixpence. 1J)pIPLETON'S MUSICAL MELANGE. MR 4 F1LE TON begs to announce, that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01 T1'NT TO FjAMILIES. vil-. POPULARI REMEDY. g 3' LXE PILLS. mi'-J, S5i1', nlol Imlst efftctual cure of Imldi- Ii.Oht, 1ilous, Liver, and Sto mach Com1- -, bk litd-aci, Costiveness, &c., &c.- cvmosill nois truly excellent, they are corn- ai~ celtoJYlN of vegetatble products, frced . ,tt naitilg and deleterious matters, vhich e;t sir n ; i(ll Mild and agreable; they ,,, ic th least conix ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ']'linpre5etit preparntiollistilelefoic, offcrc(l Vitil conn- d-nce to the pul)lic, as possessing all tilc propertieS of tlic plalit, an(l rctninilig, uuimparic(l, in its variousmcdicilial vir- toes for anv Icngtil of timc. Prel)arC(I bVLIP;E & YITnKlNS, CIIEMISTS, Vorecsteo, anil at r,, Vcrc Strect, Oxford-Strcet, LONDON. Sold hl 13cifaSt, bv Nlessrs. ?? & CO., V. 31ARCllAI.IJ & Co., 100 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is Published, Second Edition, price One Penny, or 6s. per 100, THOUGHTS ON THE FAMINE, I/s ulnt/or, Caus.e, and Remedy; BY THE, REV. JAMEIS MOltGAN, D.D. AVIL.I.tA1x MICoNIn, No. 1, lligh-street, Belfast. (339) AMERICAN FLOUR. k kME RIEICANS FLOUR, of the best brands, arriving weekl A For sale by WAM. IMAYNE NEILL. Belfast, February, 18547. (308 GUANO. DWARD WALKINGTON HAS RECEIVED a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of .ON SALE. A TIIOROUIO11-BRED JERSEY COW, it, Aj Calf to a Short-horned Bull-to Calve in ;e Three Wecks. -e Apply to the Printer. ir .__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Ii igFifty lPesasds Reeward. PI ;o WyHEREAS an Attempt was made upon the I- / Life of Ur. ROWLAND WILLIAMS, of ; Tre' Madoc, by some Villain or Villains, secreted at the back of the Premises, about 10 o'clock oin te tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIB 2f'kk B' C) R YO AL, D UBLIN. r In consejquenO9 of the increasing effect produced by MADAME ANNA BISHOP, On each suceassive representation, and in compliance with C zepeated applications, sbe has been induced to delay her departure for Edinburgh until Wednesday, and will ap. pear 9 FOR ONE NIGHT MORE, r ~THS EVENING (Tuesday), March 2, 1847. ( The Performances will commence with the Petite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALCUTTA Direct, with immediate tch; the very fine frigatc-built ship ELIZABETM, 5f 9 4 M ORRIS, Commander, now loading in the West India is ship baa mOst superior poop icconmnodation for passen- ziu carry a sargeon. For freight or passage. apply to i ag, 1. tiyal Exchange; or to J. F. Campbell a nd Co, 4, t le. Cflomill.; TTOTICE TO II'±'12d r BOMBy ret-(under elngagement to the H on. *E ast ...