Advertisements & Notices

... PISS' CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS,- To Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all Pro- prietors of Horses, these Balls are particularly recommended in all cases of swelled legs, cracked heels. loss of appetite, and vital energy; for coughs, colds, fever. or inflammation. they are the best medicine that can be exhibited, moreover their operation, though effectual, is, so mild, that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Ready, tHE POPE AND HIS VICAR APOLOGETIC! T or, THE REV. HENRlY NEWLAND'S QUESTION ANSWERED. By One of the Zealous Christians. To be hadof Cobby, Emswortl Mason, Chichester; Legg, Portsmouth ; and Painter. London. AlONEY. 1Y ANTED, upon valuable FtErHOLDPROPEttTY, W situate near the Railway Station, at Landport,- The Sum of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, at 4 per Cent. per Annum. Application to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Dr, 40otk Bilious an4d xiver Ville, Prepaired wlthout an~y Mercurial Ingredietat, fom the 1 ?? of Dr. Scott, of lrorndey. i THE astonishing efficacy of Dr. Scott's Bilious & Liver .T-Pills in Affections of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, t have gained them the highest recommnendation of Dr. Holland, Dr. Davis, Dr. Clarc, and many other eminent Physicians and Surgeons One or two Pills, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n . oea LATCHFORD FARM, Haseley, 'Oxon, 0 be LET by TENDER, by the direction of the of Charity Trustees of the City of Oxford, for such term of S. years, not exceeding 21, as may be agreeable to the tenant, ud This Farm is all Grass, and the present tenant is leaving it in rs good condition. Quantity, 160A. 3R. 31P. P Sealed Tenders, with narnes of sureties, to be delivered to the ic Town ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR COLBURN'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. f. BURKE'S PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE, FOR 1851. NEW EDITION, Revised and Corrected throughout to the present time, from the Personal Communications of the Nobility, ,&c. Vith the Arms (1,500 in number) accurately Engraved, and incorporated with tbe text. In I vol. comprising as ?? matter as twestty ordinary volumes, 3Ss. bound. II. LIVES OF THE PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C UP I S S I S CONSTITUTION 1101HOSJE] BALLS. T0o Sportsmliin, Agricu it urists, Postmasters, and all Pro- Iplietols of HIo rses, thcse iiails are partic ularly eicons- mended ilall Xicases of swell cil lesic, (crackcd ecis, loss of appetite, and vital energy ; for Coughs, Colds, Fever or Intlillainationl, they :ire the best A7cdici no that call be ex- hii)ited, in)reover their operatiion, ...

*BLIE -The THIRD and

... k slN; ILYtbia season willbe hold on lFedies- I f la rS plyabto l MRTCALIItC SIeirTH. Treasurer. f S~lppiy~T'S Bad will attOnd,. N L SOCLERTY.-The Subscribers j publir respectffly iformed thait the TrNlirD ?? Th~ird Series. under the direction. of Ntr. IF itf1 takep1C in thle AMUele HA, L, Albion~street, To ci: ;i ?? eberl S' th, whien *~0t g ,,OIIN'S ORATORIO OF ELIJAH will be performed. 1ai ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z£adg br Auctionl. 97, BYRON-STREET. IIOUSEIIOLD FUPiRNITTIIE, excellenitl FIGHITI)A44Y' CLOCKC in Antiqueflse. LAIRGE CraVTl, N lnedI withfLead. ase- Section of CUT GlASS and Cf1IN A, IsOlVolumes of BOD0cs. Nsfew PiCTURES in Pracites, excellent Ill-) and, TAI1SLE LINEN. XlCiCiIN anid CULINARY RtE4UISIVES. and other useful Property. rc. JOHN III~tis favouredl with instructionts from MTr. John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .j,*r Met amnea*' Attff am' ITAUABLEE CART TIORSES, FAtST MA.CKWNEY, DAIRY OF VERY SUPERIOR COWS, 18 HEAD OF YOUNG STOCK9, SMINE, AGRICULTURAL CARRIAGES & IMPLEMENTS, GIG, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEW, &c. Mr. B. RIX Is directed peremptorily to SELL by AUCTION, without reservc, on Monday undl Tucsday, the 3rd ail 4th Feb., 1851, on the preniscs of Mr. WILt. LARiKMAN, at Ditrsinghaim, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 FHEATRB ROYAL DRIRURYLANE.-Lessee T and Manager, Mr. JAMES ANDEltSON-Brilliaiit, tri- utIphant, alid legitimato sueccss of the true English Comedy.-The origmnal comedy of THE OLD LOVE AND THE NEW having re- ceived the unanimious approval of ac, overrlwing and delighted audience, and been preoounced the tnost charming comedy of modern timnes, will lie repeated EVERY EVENING, with the NEW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E~serI UnoiiRailway Compalye.- if: CB I HEEBY GIENthat aspecial General a] he held at ?? Street, 1lakfrar,' London, on THURSDAY, the lath day oLFBUR I r next, at One O'clock precisely, tocosi twand if approv- ir ed, to sanction and authorise the Dipor to carry into V full effect an Agreement with th Itr onties R dil way Comlpas , for the Per ne Vorking by that Corn- e! ps'y of theL Line ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T0BOOTAND38ROEMmR&;!i -anxious tolapprentice. her Sofl' *ho is' 17 'years of : qge, to.a IBoot and Shoe MakLer. -small Premium will be given. Address (post paid) to E.., 30, Gloucester-street,. Queen- sqluare. ' , , ELVKNOWLEDGE -S-CiAlACTER BY GRAFHXOLOGY, M esmeretand ?? ofaisoverins the true Character of IndiaidTals: .Jfrom thu peculia'ritie's Si their Handwriting, has.long been ...