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... BELFAST POLICE COURTlIONDAY. [Before tthe MAYOR, W. S. TRACs, Esq., RMH., Dr. r 'GEE, and [HOMrAs VxE1xaR, ElsqJ There were no less than 61 cases entered for hearing at the Police-ofce, e.xciusive of a considerable num- ber of summons cases. ASSAULT ONA. RECrflITIXG PA.rTY. Robert M'Gee, a private in the 62nd Foot, charged a lad named Jolin Mieitn with an assault. The com- plainant had, with ...


... BELFAST POI,2Cr COURT-IVEDXrESDAY. L[efore WV S. TRACT, IFsq, ?? STi:KALIXG UAGES.I AMr. A. O'RonsE apea't-al1 f'or Mr. James RodeI, mitartine ~toeri ke eer. to Chlarfg four girls, named Ai Fiarel?, t cwgantit Abtrke, A nit sap e, anld mary Mrti;al. with stealinlg reg.s fienm ili5 store oin the pre- vious lcv. It appeared that -Mt. Ronle head receivedi a pr-ivate it ination talt t he parties ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-FFIUDAY. Betfore Dr. M'GJEz anid Lord DuNuaNNov.] C.NS (IF ASSAULT. .Juames Copeland anid Alerander Gibion were charged With committing an assault upon the person of a coun- try girl namied ElizaJolonston, from the neighbourhood of Dromara. The prosecutrix was examined, and stated that she wvas coming into) Belfast upon foot, when slhe was overtakenl by a cart, in which ...

Assize Intelligence

... I qyzilesp=itenI.9 MONAGNAN ADJOURNED ASSIZES. 7 -Monaghan, l7uesdey, MUarch 28. cCONS'ZRcACT To-'bScaRtts-T-E LATZn n. BaTvaso. iW-s,7 wer4erenabledil in the.MewiYts-2;etter oF W~ednesda~y to report the proceedings ofthe trialpf Writ. ?? Edimacrd Mapeeu is, for conspiracy to aurder the late T. D. BatesonuEsq., up to the end of the direct exami- I nation-uf the app)rover, Patrick lsooher. e ...


... COUNTY KILKENNY. Iiikc-icay, Thnrsday, Augutst 3. RECORD COURlT. P. S. Bustler v. Lord Mos6ntgarrett. The hearing of this important case was resumed at half-past nine o'6lcck, and the court was crowded in every part. MNlr. BUTT, Q.C., addressed the jury on the part of the noble defendant. They would keep in mind that it was now sought, at the end of forty-three years, to invalidate a marriage ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-FINDAY. [Before WV. S. TRACY, Esq., P.313 Tar, business of tie court thite imorning wvas both li,,ht and tinimportan:. The following wet'- the onity cases heard that wvere at all deserving of n-; ice- MlZSCONit'EtCT OF AN At-i'FENtTiCt. Thomeas B-anni/guS,. a l:il apprlntied to Mr. James Telford, was charged lv his master 6 ith ste:ling frloin him a quantitv of sail twirne ...

Assize Intelligence

... lff,5?5izn 311trUillma. COUNTY OF CAYVA ASSIZES. TiuE Commission weas opened on Thursday, by Judge Torrens, who briefly addressed the Gland Jurv. and congratulated them on the peaceable state of the countv, and the lightness of the calendar, which, he stated, con- tained five custody and four bail cases, and comprised the following class of cases:-Larceny, 3; rape and attempt at rape, 2; ...


... Cao.tNrL, TUESDAY EvEtixae.-As the day for open- ing our assizes approaches, the anxiety with respect to the impending trial of 3r. Carden inicreases. Since the memorable trials in 14S of Mr. Smith O'Brien and his colleagues, no case has excited so mnuch inte- rest in this neighbourhood. Tile connexion of the party to be tried, with this county, the peculiarity cf the offence, and tie large ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCYMONDAY, JuNE 12. LBefore Mr. Commissioner PauN&ETT.] In re James M'Harg. Tsrm meeting in this case was for the purpose of settling a statement of title to certain mortgaged premises of the bankrupt, who was an extensive shopkeeper in Bal- ylmena, which was accordingly done. Mr. B. Humphr.eyg, solicitor for the Mortgagee. Agent to the commission, M1r-. A.-Johns. Iig re ...


... LIVERPOOL ASSIZES-AUGUST 10. Mr. Baron Platt arrived here this rmornling fronm Lanccaster, ancd immediately opened the commission anld vverit to St. George's Chiurch. His lordship then pro- ceeded to the old courts, and, having charged the Grand Jury, sat for the trial of prisoners. The Corporation have furbished up the old courts, and, so far as tice building cani be made available for thi ...


... BELFAST POLICE OOUiflT-WrD\,ixDxy. Before W. S. T;laes,, Barr, R.M41 There ;x-as not a 510010 case fur ?? to Flaw whili N50 deemt af sufficientL tljovtanlcu to ?? LEa? sl~ghitost notice. YE STE RD KY. [Dafere W. S Taacv, Esr, RM_1., and JTOUN OCL.itte lEsq.] 815PE0~T 150 tl~fl`i ZSTIaLLPif Jon Brknc, ?? with ani obsJtructin-, h!I his sipeech, was placed at thev bar, uiiitiir iilinIMci- ...


... IEXTRAORDINAIRY CHARGES AGAINST A i MIINISTERO F'VI{EEST A}BL1SHIED CIULICIH. IT has been ft source of gratification to us, and to the great majority of our cotemporaries of the Protestant press ini these countries, that the errors, absurdities, and misciiefs of Pusovism have made but little, if airy, progress in Ireland-a fact tne more ?? fromn the circumstance that Popery has been more ...