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... POETRYC-,cs ALL adown the tangled wildwood . . Wheu the sultry day wa past, Roamed a gallant youth and maiden .'Mlid the shadows gathering fast. . evlre the flow'ring sweet-briar bushes Fluttered in the evening breeze, Sat an aged Gipsy woman . 'Neath two old and tvisted trees.. Cross my bland with silver, lady, 2 . .Supolo the Gipsy 'noath the troe, And ulPl tell thy fortune truly, Truly ...


... POETRY, -LINES WRITTEN ON TR LI DEPARTURE OF THE Ssr. LAWRENCE. The parting hour! Motbinks I feel The magic of its powerful spell, A strange sensation o'er me steal, Which whispers in mine oar, Farewell I Farewell ! for now the spreading sail Unfvrls to'catch the fav'ring breezo; The barquo bends proudly to the gate, And steers her course for distant seas. My native shores will soon recede, ...


... LIT E Rf AT U RE. Vlackeosod's Magazine. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons. tive! Fraser's Magazine. London : J. W. Parker & Son. don The Dzublin niversifty Mragazine. Dublin : W. M'Glashano bull BLACl;WOOD is strong on tho conduct of the war-denouncing tonl, the conduct of the Minlistry from the outset, especially ol tice a q Foroigu enlistment act. A secoixd pap-er, viz., Peace and Patriot. ...


... THE SNOW-SBHOWERR BY W. C. BRYANT. 1.1 STANB; llerc by my sido and torn, I prtay, . On the lake below thy gentle eyes; btai The cloruls haug over it, llivy-duld gray, irn And dark aud silent the water lies; 1 And out of that frozen mist the snow In: wavering flakes begins to flow; Flake ofter flake, They sink ill the dark and silent lake. he See, now; it a living swarm they cono From the ...


... THE NIGHT SORTIE. Thore's no sound save the sentinel's mcasur'd tread; There's a heavy mist o'er tho valley spread, Save at times, when n struggling moon-beam frills On tre looming city's belcaguerld walls. Ahd'he often pauses, and looks around; Fbr, beneathi, be thinks he has hearud a sound Of a hurried trampling, and stifid hum, Liko the distant roll of a rauffild drum. There's no flag nor ...


... Select l~'orfs rf Th-omas i'hr-Ioery, D. D., L L. D. Edite-l hr his % Son-iic-Law, tiw 11cv. WILLIAM HtANNA, LL.D. Val. Vi-i .Evidences of tle Cilristiani Ilvelation, au-I Lcturies on Paleys '5 Ev ideleces. Edinb~urgh i Constaible. I-c is of the lire-senit edlition that we have to Spleak in noticing e this volume11-not of its thceologieal. or literary vain o, for tijes, if 1 niot in every ...


... LITERAT U RE, the Annotated Edition of the ~nsgylih Poets. By ROBERT BPLL, antbor of Lives of the English Poets, &c. Chaucer, Vols. Il1. and IV. Thomson, Vol I. London- J. W. Parker. THESE two volumes of Old Geoffrey complete the inimitable Canterbury Tales, and contain in addition, the Court of Love, The Assembly of FouLes, The Cuckow and the Nightingale, and The Flowes and the ...


... LINES BY MILTON IN HIS OLD AGE. ci RECENTLY DISCOVERED. fo I am old and bliid ! sI rfen point at me as sinittcn by God's frown, sl Afflicted, and deserted of my kind, sI Yet I ans not cast down. tl pi I am weak, yet strong; C I murmur not that I no longer see; st Poor, old, and helpless, I the more belong, bi Father Supremo, to Thee !II O merciful One! tl Whoen mnc are farthest, then Thou art ...


... L IT ER AT U RE, MAGAZINES FOR MARCH. Thes Dublin University Magazine. Dubi`' tIamos IXGlashau. Fswalter'a Magazine. London: J. IV. PssrkoFr& Son. Tait's Magazine. Eulinburgh): Suitherlanda & Knox; London: Partridge, Oakey, & Co. The Illuteatredfs London M1agazine. London: Piper, Steven. eon, & Spence. THE Dubln gives a fine sketch of the life of Baron Larroy, the noble soldier~surgeon, who ...


... CURRENT LITERATURrE, ENGLISH AND FORErUN, LONIDON, Aug. 10. t If the literary harvest of 1854 wsbet ameag-reere, 1855'has Ie al'ready snore than maderup for its deCflCeuiesrit. It is seldom that a 'whole yoat coritribute'a So richly to every ~department of Bug- list literature as the last six- os seveni sotahveln. T cIN asame only at very few of the' neow books Of v aIlec which they have given ...


... ITER ATU E. free !Re Snesed of Virgil, Books I-VT., with Englishi Notes, origi- by nal and selected, from Heyno , Wagner, Thiel, Forbiger, VI] Cossranl, Ladeovig, Henry, and other eminuent commentators. Tille r By AsICnlBALD HMAIILTON Buayer, A.B., and Senior Classical Eaore Moder~ator, Trinity College, Dublin, one of the Classical ma tte Masters in the High School of Edinburgh. London and and ...


... LITEEtATURE. lilrt'rso'eMiiaznie Edillbutgh W. X Dlalolwood and Sonis. Fraser's Maga:zine. Loidon: J. W. Parker & Son. Tad' .ltgadis. E ihnburgh Settlterland & Knox. Tite Dubten (totters~ 3p 2/azpoet. Du bliti: James llGlashat'. It is with a feeling more of melancholy than pleatsure that wve torn upl in the first page of Bilac'kwooed a review oif the ' Noeto, Atibrosiaina. Theo Noetes ...