... ANOTHER ATTEMPTED DOUBLE MURDERI IN LONDON. ml A MAN AND HIS WIFE SHOT.-ATTEUPTED SUICIDE ro- ~ OF THE ASSASSIN. V he Another horrible tragedy, very similar in its results to IV 'as the one of which the manl Barthelmney, now under sentence b ln- of death, was the author, was enacted in London on Lun 'W of dlay morning. The victirms in the present case are a man Al ts, and his wife, named ...


... BIRKENHEAD POLICE COURT--YESkBDAY. VscxTIMKilro T1. RU5OAWAY5.-A o Irteh Yankee! seaman and4 was brouiht, up on ,Oa chargetof obtaining oney, under flse thle oretwens fromi thre oths, named Joseph Dowling. Walter wal Yohu DONE, a5d pla es arson Leech. Two of thle oem. exo plainantie were each. egsd, fourteen years, and the, third the gave his ago as sixteen years; they were respectably at-eu ...


... | I TXe RE EDWARD JONES.-The bankrupt applied to.Mr. Com- missioner Perry for his certificate. There was no opposition, and the bankrupt was allowed a second-class certificate. In RH ISIDoRsY BseuseTRIN.-This bankrupt, who, it will be rememnbered, absconded from Australia with a considerable sum of money belonging to his creditors, cams before Mr. Commis- sioner Perry to pass his last ...


... TUESDAY, APRIL 17. bot James Caine, a suspicious character, who was found con- nt cealed in a back jard in the roar of some houses ia Stafford- to I street, at four o'clock this morning, was sent to gaol for 14 hot days. On A WATCHMARER AND HlfS Arpnmiucn.-In this case there were cross summonses, the first by William Ben- tbe tham, watchmaker, of Bazuett-street, against his appren- he itic, a ...


... [BsFonE JOSEPH POLLOOK, RSQJ -Stl Kaz V. JoNXS.-iThomas keyv, the plaintiff in this case, was fol formerly an assistant in the service of the defendant, Henry Johns, outfitter, 16, Oldhall-3treet, from whom he claimed m ;6 6s., one month's wages, In lieu or notice. He leftthe de- w fendant's service under the following ?? was Be docking out the shop window one Morning, as usual, when the ...


... . - 1-A . A- ?? - ?? ?? -- -A ?? ?? A a FRIDAY Juy.y 27. as, RoasEaYay s AN EBILAND ]3oy,-A boy, named Henry Walker, Onwas brought up on remand, charged %with stealing two palms of ist trousere and IS shirts, the property of Mr. Williams, outfitter, Mill-street. The prisoner was an second boy in the employ of the prosecutor, and on Wednesday lie was stopped leaving the Shop with a pair of ...


... s.1 ?? tX A g as I~ dio- DiSFORE J. W.-nARDON, Vllq. oot. Thi court held its sitting yesterday. Therc wore 169 plains 11 and 22 judgment eummonseee but few of them poesessed any r publc interest, the majority being for potty debts ias A ?? ANsrosaisitil.-DoTL5 , PAOWun.-Thli Dnt was a'n4tion'brought by 'he pbdntitf a. botoher In Market. it street to recover the sum ob an . 8i. for meat and ...


... THEI BIBLE BURN'iNNG CASE. At the, opeitn ita0fthe Co i,,ns~isio Curirt :ii Du: I i, cal 'erje ?? (thre ntiier idgo0) cliarg:-,I t:. dry.i wd i erc .;,c onte ee topln ?? HI Laa to a eas~e in Vilich b individuortlo W cc i ty of ter. Tirii ra aed, I ?? si hair.Cli rier I..e1 is g tai oee in a lol ecertairnlid all. trliiel eiian tthitt : charged with f od(il aiit'iol:itJ ?? it i cllyd ...


... bD .A ° Q RTR S KIRKDALH. QU.0 SSIONS.! Ir, Theso smalons oponed yesterday ntthe aouri-olouoe, Xlirkdalo. no or Thomas Thorncly, Eeq. M.P., being the ohtleet angiltrate pre- we sunt, wos called to tile etair, and the followihg mni istittes were thi n hon ?? Brown, El , M.P., John Rosson, Esq, an Mdgjor Bourne, Captain Asplna)l, N illnnr Hail, Esq., T. B Bar- ad, P- clay, Esq, t. Bonu Esq., WV ...


... (Before Sir J. Earatley W'ilmot, Judge.) TUESDAY.-Battens and Another v. Heade-Mr. Edlin, In- Btructed by Messrs. Stanley and Wasbrough, appeared for the plaintiffs; and Mr. Stone, Instructed by Mr. G. Dene,.r the defendant. This was an action to recover a quarter's rent of the Hole in the Wall tavern, Prinoe's street; but the learned counsel for the plaintiffs, Mr. Edlin, had not proceeded ...


... Commenced at Wells on Tuesday. The calendar of prisoners tY contained the names of 90 for trial at this session, which en number, with 66 for trial at the assize, presented a total of 106 at prisoners in gaol for trial. At the corresponding period of last ce year there were 185. Of the 90 now for trial, 31 could neither sea read nor write; 20 could read but not write; 14 could read and ad ...


... THfURSDAY.-Magistrates present: Sir John Davis, and Messrs. Hughes and Mooero. TuE CASE OF WAGES AT THE KINGSWOOD oDiERY.- Samuel Cook, hewer, summoned Mr. George Brain, of the Kingswood Collieries, for five days' vages. Mr. Hil appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Edlin, instructed by Mr. Bevan, ap- peared for the defendant. The case for the last fortnight has caused a good deal ot excitement ...