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... After a careful and patient Investigation, which extended over five day*, a Dublin jury has ret'imri J a of guil'y against Carran. the , driver who was charged with ennrnittirg and lady *UK«own. The with this are ex raordinary, and the risalt i> irtanfc, in mere than one that we will recapitulate the leading facts. young lady Jelly, wee was visiting some friends residing in the ...


... (From a Correspondent.) The general satisfaction whioh the publio services ( of Mr. Roger Haydock have given to the eleotors of i all political opinions Vauxball ward for the past six years, and the continued failure of a few restless spirits to find candidate who would venture challenge the claims of that gentleman upon the confidence and gratitude his constituents, led to the firm persuasion ...


... The weekl. meeting (being the last for municipal year) was held yesterday. Present— Means, Dover (chairman). Sheil, Crcllin, Haydook, llolden, Bowling, Meilaaew, Ridley, Job, Steel, Barton, Nickson, Stltt. The borough engineer, building purveyor, and Inspector nuisances reported various particulars of the operations in their several departments during the week, from which it appeared that 138 ...


... LIVERPOOL AND ULUKENHKAD MARKItTH. ABTinT W. JOHNS. BTRKKN HEAD. Wedn«day. WedneKlay. 8. td. Ad. Beef « pound.. 0 5 8 0 8 Mutton 0 6 .. 0 0 .. 0 8 Veal 0 .. 74 .. 9 Lamb „ .. 0 7 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 Fresh Pork 0 64.. 0 74 0 7 .. Lofaaten 0 8 .. 0 10 10 .. 1 0 Cod Fish .. 0 .. 4 4 .. 5 Sola .. 0 8 .. .. 0 8 Brat N •« 0 7 .. 0 8 0 6 .. 8 Mm 0 .. 1 0 8 .. 1 0 0 .. 0 S .. 0 Fowls « oouple.. .. 3 0 .. 8 ...


... Molasses for Distillation, under the Act 18 and 19 Victoria, cap. 94.—Week ending October 5, 1861: From Jamaica, 70 cwt. 1 qr. 20 lbs.; from Demerara, 400 cwt. 1 qr. 1 lb. The Manchester magistrates have decided that a canvasser In the employ of a book publisher cannot legally pursue his avocation without a hawker's license. Old Linen. —The committee of the Northern Hospital appeal to the ...


... MONDAY, OCTOBER 28. BEFORE MR. RAFFLES, Larceny tub Albert Dock. —James Jones, a labourer at the Albert Dock, was charged with stealing a quantity of copper nails from the ship Ennomia, Scarborough, now lying in the Albert Dock. He was about to leave the dock on Saturday, when he was searched by one of tbo gatemen and the nails in question found in his pockets. Pleading guilty, be was ...


... (From the Freemason*' Magazine.) Bro. Joshua Walmslty, Prov. G. Treas. for the western division of Lancashire, and P. Prov. S.G.W., was initiated into masonry in the early part of the year 1839, in the Lodgo of Sincerity (No. 308), Liverpool, and thus continued a subscribing member to the period of his lamentable and untimely decease. When he joined tho order many of the existing lodges in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VW J. & D. NicoIrT,, No. io, St. Ann's Square, ICOLLS' ALLIED SLEREVE CAPES or Abe., far Lvilrs N1fi-11,8!etio Chiak, %vith hood., a' the ?? CO0t. ICOLS'PAENTMILEDANGOLA Tr~jTz 1tt1S. for rltli*;: or 1%`tkiat~. Nwith a Wjkf'ooat 0 tho j~anio tuateribit, for tho pmitnat oeason, 'JOivvty-fivo WbiingOO TICOLLS' MORNING or LOUNGING COATS j a fthrkA 1ia XoC'i.t Itllo lteaii), W~th ailk cotlai.% for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PAUL'S SCHOOLS.-On Sunday, October 13th,w SERMONS will be preached in the morning andoI evening, if God permit, in St. Pauls Church, by the Rev. G. C. HOSSN Vicar of Barton, Westmoreland; afterl whbich collectiens will be made towards the support of thel Sunday and Infant Sohools.l Gs RIMISHAW-STREET SABBATH SCHIOOLS.- Twol SERMONS will be preached in aid of the above| shoson Lord's Day, ...


... coursing. - Tawjtow Opiw Coorhiko Ifirrixo.—ThU 8««w»rd»— - Hesketh, B, »■>—• i j awft 860 S a Jbttimt tl Mtln, ef the Booth ■bin Qauidag now axed far tbl]Ui 14ih kewmahklT RACKS. WEDNESDAY. Bxllmo Plat*-Wwtl 1, Norio 2. ~, Uaxcms.—Amy beat BteMfce, boat lUIt JaoiaUt beat Pla**.-Walwwitoh 1, 2. MM. UUNO* STAXIB—OId 1. S. 1, ftntoi T»ca«j--thGteorvin«oß King ®f >)faf •SSa^rjrsft«rA™BOTK»iriloJr ...

Perfect Health Medici Food cure* tiissvas* whlcn oaly aggravates, f«uch nervousness, conn ipatioo, ..

... « liver, levers, s >m catarrhs, CGitotin the ears, rheumatism, tie*, eruptions, ! irritability, acdlty, heartburn, i beadacbe, debility, dropsy, .'espN.dency, cr»inp«, -pas:n-, nausea, fl asthma, debility, bronchitis, • pior. A ?. t?w pence ;,er day i saves time* it* ' cost and cp;;tcccar!t&*bil!fi,aud restores perfect j strong nerve', sound Inn-'a, and the nervously ! c i'e, and moot ...


... Hall—The oratorio The Creation —Madame tJoldnohinidt Lind, Mr. Sim* Hooves, and Signor Belletti. M»yur'« &{jrpttMi Colquitt acre** —Open dally (drat »nd third Monday the mouth free). Royal Invitation Muwam, (i»lqn{tt'nrwt -Open daily (first and third Monday in the month frart. lirerpool Aoadeuiy-Kxhibition of plotona, ©pea daily. , of Arta-Kxhibltion of plctaret, Qcee&'s ...