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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wridts, 4it:ns.rri es, it etbS BIDP ?? S. Ellis-October 14, at Nionaygolil, County Sligo, the wife of John S. Ellis, of a son. Locock-October 15, at Winofield Villas, Stoke, Devon- port, the wife of Captain H. Locock, Royal Engineers, of a daughter. Mitchl1l-October 24, at Woodleigh House, Holywood the wife of Walter Mitchell, Esq., of a son. Porter-September 6, at Saugor, Central India, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IATEST INTELLIGENCE. THE FUNERAL OF LORD of B PALMVERSTON. M.. The last honiours wvhicir a nation Could pay to cue who Dull has toiled long and valiantly in her services, were yester- DtIl day morning rendered to him who notv rests for ever Dum within the solemn gloom of Westminster Abbey. It wats nl no muere ceremonial observance which hushed the great Char crowds into a respectful silence, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES A1ND DEATHS. Neotices of BDiths, Marriages, and Deaths, cannot be inserted witlsout they are property authenticated by the name and address of the sender. BIRTHS. CREE-On the 21st inst., at 1I.M .'s dochyard, Portsmouth, the %wife of Dr. Cree, R.N., of a soil. WIG'tn~T-On the 12th of September, at Subbathoo, Indio, the wife of Surgeon Thomas Wriglit, H.Ml. 80th Begt., of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN] DEA TIIS BIRTHS. SONS. i'v, '.irs. G., Hl-sford lHouse, 22115d i'st. PDISN-E. MIrf. L. B., 25;1 inst. 'h11s x, :\rs It., Sheer llcs, 24t11 inst. ?? e .s - , 'Irs G. LE., Spiing-ficd Ho-ise, Aluswell- ?? o26di ilist. LAuN&, Kr-. Alexande.; MIiccleudch-street, Maw'ick, -5th1 inst. 'IA Ni , ?? C. S., Eltna1i, Keolt, o7th iist. PO ELL, Mis. T. C., Rectory, Allueslow, 24th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tlitthS, $tISrriagc5, & pCenfbs. B I R T iI S. Callwell-Ochober 25, at rlenville, Torquav, the mife of Georre Calilell, E~q , of a son. Gardvye-OtEhber 20, at Glonforsa House, Argyllsbire, thte ilon. Nirs, Gr,-nbill Gardyne. if a dauchter. Howley-Octnbe *24, at ?? Lower ifaillw Strs-t, Lime- rick, the wife of John Howley, Esq., J.P., of a bon and heir. EuDX-October 25, at Ballymonevy Rectory, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE PREMIER. ARIUVAl. OF THE 2EMMAI IN LONDON. AT twenty minutes before six o'clock last (Monday) evening the body of Lord Palmerston was received at Cambridge House, outside the gates of which well- known mansion a crowd, though not a very large one, had assembled. The plain hearse, followed by a single mourning coach, had left Brockett Hall at half-past nine in the morning, and had made ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gfrbt, gWMIUM, 444 Pathos *No Noi dl Dl. Easisgo. cr Deathm be fusnnted .aise auib@OtWOj1d by he Da:. ad ades h gender. bs wod Pr t our af s d to the si e e a det, Bujatit to VARMIMx as for an advo dlsm-n k BIRTHS. AxonIsEaRO-006. 26, at 20, Lord Nelson-street ms In. Aronsberg, of a iO. ASHTON-0t. 22, at Llwyregtin, near Mold. the wif of 0. Z. Ashtoni, Esq., of a eon. l3ofTn WICK-Oct. 24, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Oct. 17, at Prague. Bohemia, the wife of WPC. OSBORNE, Esq.. of Bohnitz, and Spondon, near Der.4, of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 17th inst., at St. George's, Hanover-sqr, by the Rev. Adolphus Wright, rector of Ickha=, m, assisted by the Hon. and Rev. Lewis Denman. r Willian, Herts, uncles of the bridegroom, HENRre SEE third son of ICHAROD CHAS. WRIGHT. Esq., of MapS,-_ 7 Hall, Notts., to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUKERAL OF LORD PALMRRST6N. The arngem ents for the funeral of Lord1a Marston at WsMinse A e a o r under the superinteondence f Mr. Bantiag, the g Dr. taker. It is aid that but a limited onu of tpet to wits., the ceremony wrill be fissued by the exaubks~, ths disposal of which ha. been entrusted to Mr. Bnin During ysterday-ormiag a large number of viatr celd at Cambhrdges-boae, Inaluding ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FIUNERAL OF LORD PALMERSTON. NOT1VITHar1NDING the expressed wish of the late Premier, his. remains are to receive the respect and honour due to such a man. This, it is stated, is by the spiecial request of her Majesty, to which his friends hare- very' properly acceded.' The place of his inter- ment- will! now be Westminster Abbey, and the time fixed for the' ceremnony, after several ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TBE FUNERAL OF LORD PALE I (From YeaerdaV's Teljr S The ?? this ~' gar Lsmorning leoam withsatift that the body of Lord Palmerston ia to ro est . rnoonoter Abbey. As we have already intimated, it WI the dedlre of the late Premler himself that he eloue be Interred at Romey, and that the funeral Siood b of as private a character a8 pohible. With. lest forty-eight hours, however, reprementatione ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF -LORD PALMERSTON. ?? .. . T1 The, P'ost ?? is now arranged that the funeral' of the late Viscount Palmerston shall take nlace at Westminster Abbey, on Friday next, at one o' cock. The spot chosen for his interment is by the side of William Pitt. The ceremony, although of a public character, will be conducted in the simplest manner, following in this the preeiident of the burial ...