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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... THE announcement that Mr. Cohen's orchestrfl concert will take place next Friday evening in the Ulster Hall will be received with pleasure by all lovers of music in Belfast. That a high-class programme will be carried out on the occasion goes without saying, but we doubt if any previous concert under the conductorship of Mr. Cohen possessed so ?? attractive features as that which will be held ...


... LlTEORAIRY NOTES. j 00 Tzi~a-Dexy.--1VeryOlWe will 1) 3 tue. rested lo hear a few facts, which we are aboe to give, concerning the forthcorninsg publication oi th^ correspondmnce of the Princess Mlica with the Queen, Iu spite of her recent troubles, thle Quaca has taken the most lively iut-rest in the propara. tiou of the vollnmo, Iraving revised the last sheets during her jomrney to Darwstadt ...


... THIEATRICAL GOSSIP. Ir is confidently asserted that Sarah Bernhardt ; is desirous of returning to the Comidie FrannCiisn, and that Al. Sarrcey has been making attempts to bring the matter about by negotiations with M. c Perrin and the committee. Sbould she do so, it can only be as pensionwcire -that is to say, she wil1 receive a fixed salary of 18,000 francs, but will not have any right to a ...


... A vnay successful musical reunion was hel3 Iast evening, in the Schoolhouse attached to St. Mary's Church, Crumlin Road, in aid of the Sunday. school fund. The capacious buillinga was sell filled, and the audience was apprecirtive xvitleut being indulgent. The items comprised in tle pro. gramme were nicely selectel, and the nnrateurs to whom they were entrusted are posse',ei 0o considerable ...


... INOlQTi-r.AST AGRIOULTUR&L ASSOCIA. TION OF IRELAND-ANNUAL SHOW. I Tan list of prizes offered for competition at the annual show of the North-East Agricultural As- oviation of Irelhnd, which will be held iu Belfast next month, is beforeus. As regards our agrioul- bural friends in Ulster, or, indeed, in any part of Ireland, it is not necessary to allude to the con- tents of that publication; ...


... THE SHAXESPEARIAN S:HOW IN LONDON. LONDON, THURSDAY NIGIT.-The show in aid of the funds of the Chelsea Hospital for Women was opened at three o'clock, in the Albert EHall, this afternoon, and, though the proceedings lacked that 6Eluit which would have been imparted had the Prince and Princess of Wales been able to be present, society was present in large numbers, and that not for pleasure ...


... FASHIONS FOR FE1BRUARY. £FaON. at FOLLET.] Auowex the many modes that are returiotg to fashion-ea we eta~ted last month would be the case-one of the most successful will be the t sleeveless bodices-that is to say, bodices to be b worn over independent sleeves. This enables the n1 corsage to be accompanied by either long or short d sleeves of its own material, or the added sleeves t may be of ...


... I Tins ParsraPLEs or PERSPECTIV, by George Trobridge. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd. Mr. George Trobridge, the Bead Master of the Belfast School of Art, is to be congratulated upon having produced a hand-book whose value will be acknowledged equally by teachers and students of elementary art. It is somewhat remarkable that no treatise founded on similar, lines to that just published by Mr. ...


... A vEnY successful exposition of the cantata D1 Daniel was given last evening in the Donegall Street Independent Church, in which a large audience assembled to hear the classical and magniticeut music of the composition. The pro. ceedings were in aid of tbe Lisburn building fund, which shows a deficit of £E50, an amount which has beeu a heavy incubus upon the congragation of that town. The ...


... WIILLO WF.ILLD IMATEUR CONC]PRT. A MOST enjoyable concert was held on Fridauv las' inl Willowtield Parochial Schoolhouse in aid of the school fund. The handsome and comiaodioui room was filled by a most appreciative audience. consisting of members of the congregation, ana sympathisiog friends. The vocal and instraunional performances of the lady and gentlemen aumateurs were of a very pleasing ...


... F A S HI ON. THE QUEEN'S VISIT TO DARMSTADT. DAWIS'rADT, FiarLy.-Tbis a~fternoon, at four o'clock, her Majesty, aceoinpanieri by Princess Beatrice, drove to the Jugeuheiio, which is about ten miles distant from hro e to visit Prince L uis and his bride. The Grand Duke and his family also went. The Prince and Princess of Wales, with Prince Albert Victor nud the three Prin- cesses, left by the ...


... THEATRE ROYAL- MY AWFUL DAD. AFTER a series of highly successful metropolitan performances, Mr. Charles Collette reappeared at the theatre last evening in the part of Adonis Evergreen in M My Awful Dad -the two-act comedy by which Charles Mathews proved that when nearer seventy than sixty years of age his capacity to outertain the present generation was as great as his power to anmuse the ...