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... the Great Northern is exhibiting remarkable vitality. It is only by comparing figures,” says a daily paper, “ though figures may be dull, that one can discern tangible proof—unless eme visits the Great Eastern Railway terminus—of the remarkable progress ...

£39 3s. 2d. The committee was slnnd to record an increase of contributions in almost every cirouit. Rev. T. H

... Spa in the :.w.-d tl.‘k‘ m hn‘ ang uy (Market Rase . ¥F. Bryant, W.; ngsby cirenit. ¢ oundation rongly W l..%f,\llw:)’.'g K. Buroughs, J.‘c“;lm » lively disenssion on the subject of (he | myself may m‘ it 'h-:dle—l w A. Holland (Sleaford), A. Borrowman ...


... the good work of life i made to wait until the storm thas may pever descend is over and gone. Now we ars not responsible fo. civuas; ‘Ley must needs come. Neither are nlmu-bk for storms which may or mav not fall the clouds, but we are responst for the elfts ...


... expected. The Wednesday Football Club :yd their prell-l-?:al on the Wong weok. Sides were ¢ ,lz.!h(\flu-udhfl'mu follows: —W. Bryant (captain), Holmes, Cooke, Bourne, H. Pogson, Doggett, I, Helton, . Wyles, W. A. Jarvis, and E. Ranshaw. VieeCaptain: P. Holoran ...

Division IT,

... . The Vico-Chairman: The Committee discriminate by saying able-bodied. Mr. Pulla‘: A man may be able-bodied, but not kere through any fault of his own. A man may not be able to find work. 1 don’t think it is fair ::.n.t such & man should be classed as ...


... Searson; reading, Mr. G. 1. Marston; quartet, Miss Briggs, Mre, Taylor, Meesrs, C, Southern, and Searson; a humorous dialogus, ““May’s Bngagement.” Misses Welbourn. The address was given by Mr, Jackeon, and Miss Blla Smith presided at the organ. The dosology ...


... etc., cost £242 14=. Bd., and £550 was expended in mortgage redemption. The report regrets the resignation of Miss H. M. Bryant as sister in charge of the Red ITouee, and welcomos as her successor Miss C. Owen from the Salisbury Infirmary, while 5 warm ...


... Newark, and Frank Bryant, of Lincoln, for the nine stone Amateur Championship of Lincolnshire. There was a matter of Slbs. weight difference between the contestants, Bryaut being the heavier man. The contest was a very scientific one, Bryant gaining two falls ...

THE LINCOLN LEADER AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, SATURDAY, MAY 25 1912. fl‘ of the road, and when he got near St

... THE LINCOLN LEADER AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, SATURDAY, MAY 25 1912. fl‘ of the road, and when he got near St. the constable held up his hand for him to stop, as two foundry men were turning into ‘u street. Witness came to o standatill, and muediately after ...


... costs for being drunk and disorderly in Banks-street, on May 18th, Jolin Rhodes, fellmonger, Horncastle, was fined 1. and 4. Gl costs for driving a hor=s and eart without a light at Baumber, on May 15th, Fredk. John Barnsdale, milkman, Mareham-on=lLll was ...

Y.M.C.A. SWIMMING SPORTS. An Enjoyable Garden Fete

... unnecessary mtensil and at one mouthful absolutely cleaned the plate. A ladies’ potato race proved exeedingly attractive, Miss Mays carrying off premier honoums with DMrs. Ryder a good second, while a boys’ marmalade race was won by Arthur Burman. A apecial ...