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Aberdeen Press and Journal

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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Waller 3 Nos. t 6 - till Pope 8 Nos. 4 0 Milton 8 Nos. 4 0 ] tar SACRED CLASSICS. Death of Abel o 6 - Economy of Human Life . 6 Addifon's Evidences a o o ,nd Dodd on Death I o c tr- Dodd's Prifoa Thoughts I o lot Rowe's Exercifes a en nd Centaur not Fabulous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen, x9th of e By Order of the Lord Lieut. nt January, 1795. 3 THOs. BURNETT. ins le. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS. er DY the death of Mr ROBERT MOIR, Hoficr .c- Dlhere, there is an opening for a fleady perfon, who is acquainted with the manufaihrring of ...

a - To the Noblemen

... in this city fold and neighbourhood upwards of so years, and led. continued to work till within a little time of his icee. death.. r Died, at Manfe of Fordoun, Kincardinihire, 0on Friday the With Jannary, Mrs Janet Ferafer, be reliat of the deceafed Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CREDITORS OF ALEXANDER THOM tcc ARDLAW. A LL thofe to whom the deceafed ALEXAsDER A TuoM in Ardlaw, flood indebted at his death, will pleafe lodge with Alexander Gamack in Cotarty, notes of their claims with affidavits thereon, betwixt this and the fitlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is added, ADVICE To SE.t rri-rrrERS, &c. &C. .ti W E are authorrfedsto inferct thc following pa- r eagrapli, regarding the death of the late tl Earl of Errol, in hope of its putting an end to al various inifreprefentations in fonoe of the public er papers-; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conditions of lufurance are propofed - If a fuhf'criber gives two guineas for a child Mr. Troup hinds himfelf, in cafe rif the death of that child, to pay the fubfcribet - ten guineas. Fox eve, y guinea fubfcribed, four guineas. k For half a guinea. e - two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iflarid, where he had. refried twenty ysars.- His rnunisrous friends arid relations will accept of this notiicatios of his death. Onrs.iefday thie ztf curt. dicri at Bervic, in tie . 8th year of ticr age, and 5so'tt of hc:r marriage, rvlaij:)ry Grant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d I N 0 I C E. I . HOSE to whom the late Mr. GEORGE MILNE, , l Writer in Stonehaven, was ildebted at tire time n e of his death will pleafe to lodge particular hates of t their claims. with Peter Chariftitn, writer in Stone. nhaven, who is employed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Arrehavacre. N 0 T I C E. f1f-lOSE triwhonm the late Mr. GEORGE MILNE, I Writer in Storseharer, was indebted at the time of his death will plcerfe to lodge particnlar flates rf their clalrs, sitis Istcr Clriliir, writer in Stone- haven, wtho is emrploycsl t ...


... mercury. DEAR SIR, Portfmoutlh. l My fituation for many years paft has been fo truly milfrablc, that I have often vvitbed for death to re- lieve me, but have wilired in vain ! Owing to juvenile inrifcrctions,habits cortratcd at flhool, I lirourcdurn. * dsr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vill oF tie deceafed, or taking a out letters of admiriflration of fuch pcrfonal ?? a *:ithin fix calendar months aftcr the death of tire t -I rrfon fo dving. fhiall forfeit and pay the fum of *iFrY POUNDS, to be recovered as therein is -rcrntioned, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ner- sods people. prejudicel agaiaff adeertifed medicines. g Sixc years freo, a fevere fright. occasfioned by the fudiden death of one of my family, threse re ntp, a violent fits, which would lafr fur leveral hours, a flupor followed, attcnded with all ...