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Aberdeen Press and Journal

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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Law Intelligence

... theirfaces, except their eyes and nofe. Two of them had a firong Irifsh accent, one of whom was for putting the ladies to death. On the fame night, the villains, with their booty, flopped at a public houfe near Black- t friars Bridge, and knocking at ...

Law Intelligence

... exaffly the fame as ftated in our Journal of Tuefday fe'ennight. The jury without hefitation pronounced the prifobaer Guilty-DEATH. ...

t~iutoUl), Alp 30. H

... clpable homicide; upon which the Court fentenced him to 14 years tranfportation beyond feas, under the penalty of fuffering death, without benefit of clergy, if he fhould return to Great Britain or Ire- land before the expiration of that period. On Saturday ...

Law Intelligence

... commerce will then be in a wiferable Two other. feamen were capitally convieu- a of the fame crime, and received fentence oif death. - Lieut Innes, of the Caithnefi Legion, and Pi'aes Brothers, a private in the fame corps, pvere tried for the murder of a ...

Edinburgh, July 4

... lowing day, and in confequence, it is believ- ed, of the affault of the laid MacBrayne.- To the fasme caufe is imputed the death of one of her children, and the mortification in 1.the body of the other. A few days ago a light-horfeman picked up a gold ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 5

... Blaikie, refiding at Bonnyrigg, by me difcharging at her the contents of a loaded gun, which lodging in her neck, occasioned wit death immediately, or foon after. fuaa The Couafel for the pannel pled infanity, to j and the Court adjourned the trial to the 23d ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... Gray died in about two hours after. It ap- d pears that he had taken a quantity of laud- anum, which was the caufe of his death. d His Royal Highnefs tse Prince of Wales has made a prefent of a Scotch Horn, very I beautifully mounted in gold, with a Scotch ...


... OS Sir William Scott, after expatiatlng very forcibjy on the extent and nature of his of- feoce, pronounced the fentence of death. The prifoner earnefily entreated the cle- mency of the Court, to interpofe on his be- half, for the Royal miercy. Thle Judge ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 30

... temple arteries on both fides 22 of the head were alfo cut open. They de- tal ldared there .wounds were the occafion of her death. It appeared from the evidence adduced on both fides, that Anne Bruce was a perfon of bad character, much given to drink, and ...

MiribTuT , 3t[ne 26

... on Wedne-fday fe'en- night, as Mrs Routh, wite of George 'iZLtlh, printer, was addrefiing a letter to her huff:ind on the death ofhis brother (being ?? ot liis health), fhe wvas fibddenly taken ill, and expired 5 almolt inftantancoafl jr, Prices of Graoi ...


... Stewart to his aid, the necessary operations of trepanning ~was performed, and lie lived about tn days, -and has no doubt his death was occa- sioned by that blow~-thiks if he had been called the night before, andbe skull trepanned then, the deceased might ...


... misery. - s Pray for ?? heartily pray for you. . Amen. S on V The five mutineers of the Temeraire, who a [: were sentenced to death on Saturday, viz. John ( se Allen, Edward Taylor, George Dixon, Thomas | it Simmon is, and James Riley, were executed on c ...