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... truth TiDiiiaiU'B its pre-eminence strangeness orer ticlion occorreii within the last few days Farnbaru Workhouse. In the obituary the oOOlh issue of this paper, the death of Mary Pitts was recorded as having taken place Farnbam Workhouse. Arrangements ...

THE ALLEGED GOLD DISOOVERtES IN NATAL. following is an extract from private letter, published ia the Times, and ..

... got from him; relapsed into bis unconsciousness, and towards morning of the be died, bis death being duly chronicled in the obituary contemporary the 25th March. In due time the widow came to make inquiry into the disposition of bis property, and then she ...


... THE OBITUARY OF IBfio. Tut events of the past year, both social and political, are of some considerable importance. have seen the political world Session the House.'of Parliament during which the debates have been of a character of the highest value; ...


... late occasion, when a Montana judge became pathetic pronouncing sentence, the culprit interrupted him with— 1 Never mind obituary; let’i fix the time (or the funeral.' OUIAOrUL RAILWAY AOOIOENT. IJUIT AHOTHKK added to the eeriaa of draadful rwl» way accident® ...


... extensive alterations in the existing of affairs wilt made, greatly to the advantage of the public. The following obituary notice appears in the West Briton (Truro) the 15th instant At Polseath, Miuver, the iust., after a long and painful illness ...


... knocked down one going The carriage wbeela passed over and nearly severed both legs from his body, and died the same night. The obituary in Timet contained some rare illustrations of prolonged existence twelve peraona—viz., seven ladies and five gentlemen, whose ...

THE LATEST WAR OFFICE SCANDAL. CHANGES AT NIAGARA FALLS. persons who were over 160 years old died in MUSICAL AND

... edition tr t Partick, succ ve Reofrew, residing in THE deatt. is announced of Sir Henry Hill Feeeling, AN American paper in ao obituary saya:—' Mer Smith | British Journalisn of for the sam of fi ro shillings, pee LOU Bort, formerly a captain in the army, was ...


... Dratior Mr Corrie, LATE OF Loctt- with the duties of a great crisis. amount of timidity—s fear of doing anything acy, our obituary of last week we an- nounced the death of oue who sacrificed himself unless something else should happen —is to learning aud ...


... OD Ds New York papers publish the obituary of * Bill a dog that coulis upon ooe foot aad balnnce on the oe 2zle of a champagne bottle, THe letter rots sand to have an be- Cause it is sin or but IU Cemperan , Virtue, proprety, sod religion, THeeE ate four ...

BE fay A Wisconsin Jus cf th Peace recently | granted himself a divorce. Glasgow is agitating for a hall

... every 1600, or nearly 64 per cent in Glasgow from these Jar Late Masor J. L3.—It was with deep regret. we announced in our obituary the death of Major J. Tucker Geils, Geilston. He was born at Geilston, Cardross, and on his retura from India, about twenty ...


... months. —Liverprol Courier. DEATH OF REMARKABLE PERSONAGE. There died io Paris, just in tune to have bis included in the obituary 1871. » somewhat remarkable person. His name was Charles Francois Ferte, and his life wo* to receive the bodies of jiersoos ...


... WR ALENANDER CAMPRELL, CVUACI TOR, From a Correspoudenot. Pig name appeared in last Satue- He dtetat Dalachalish, at as obituary. f few Hilness. tn the presence of wany ul is foods aud relatives. Me bers t ’ country, ated to tourists of so Well Ite t ...