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East Midlands, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to-. J t cers, Non- omnmiflioned Officets a rd Privates had no of the Heath, NorthwingfiQld, Afhover, Dxon- n-t in. fleld, Staveley' Barlbro', Bolfover, and BrtMp^ the he ton Volufiteers:- Lia The Officers, Non-commilfiotned Officers and Prijates O ns, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o'Clock its the Evening. tin On Friday laft Williatn Booker, one oftle co fulperintendants of the extenfive colliery at til Staveley, in this county, being at the boitom Sy of one of the lhafts, (which are near three Se hundred feet deep,) a piece of bhtd ...

DERBY, J1ednesdqy, A

... burglary at our late e affizes. On Sunday laft, a young man about 1 yenrs , of age, incaetioufly got uporit new* water whecl at Staveley Forge, in this county,,and.- it not having been fixed to the internal: movements a of the Forge, his own weight caufed a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... unioffenditig and humaine ill his tempier, hie died regretted by all rwitlizi the circle of his acqua inrtance. Lately, at Staveley, in this county, at art advanced ale, Mrs. Flint, fettior, reliet of the late MIr. Richard Ftiot, of that place.-ller htutaanity ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... od 3 Mt Grant's I, fElizabetil by Lick's-All,-3 3es0old 4 S aid 6 t 4, tbe Dliamonid filly agisl the field i to I agst the Staveley colt; sld 3 to I ausr L;ile(ipsey. ['\ir Siorey's filly, by ]Diantoid, wits aibjvcled to before start- iitg. on the ground ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Esq. to Miss Ca !lerite Hatl,jitl t.e Close ol Lincolnt, third datuigter of the Ti late her z I-mu, of Wesibaroufgh.. . Ait Staveley, tlenr Clirsterfield, on the 221 inst- llomas 11 Niles, Coal carrier. in lls tiLh y ear, to Sarah Hellot, aged 17. 1 S6 tsaid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l~ ~ ~ ~ ~~caeteSi rdyg tast, aged S9,; ~r; Elioamas Stvanwrick, of thlis, * .: , ' : . '. ' ' !of, t ilt 1Ut~Cli'tth near Staveley. iii this county, in te S lu~ttltlwife of kilI Gerre 'smitya, ii respect. o( f tha6t phitee, i: sbnio~liti~tle l-rgh Paveme ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'reli 'oif oeorger'Ilevrng, Esq of Iieworrh, and A daulgihler ol the latel.olin Biofton Esq oh Duflieldsnear Derby. t r.At Staveley,: in this County, tfie,1-02h instani te9h ryear sf br- ae, .AlMvs.,&ilc Wste of U W. Nevide,'Eiq. Sbe was a wontan of siucereJe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... olFered for the- ofl - conuvictiou of the offenders.- - - Oil Monday seMnigbt, a writ of habeas corpus was r received by Alr. Staveley, of York Castle, fior thle re- frot 91inoval of John Rower, alias Rawer, alias Rawvoli, for- Ac, merly oALekton fhear Nottingham ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... her. At Clhesterfielti, on FBiday tie 2?d insl, nieeh respected, Itir. Jolhn Wilkinsolli i llis 61st venr. Las wReek, at Staveley, near Cheatekfield.-Mrs. Rogers, wire of alr. J Ru ers tanner. 01 tice 24hb ikkstait, iu this town. Mr. Nathatiel Rid-ard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lnlb (Mir. Bross'i) 1 iUrF iiby 's 1 loiniingtotm, by Pet'wortit aged, 1 2st '21b (Crilsven ) 2 - Mr l-eitsai's'l'rial;by'Staveley; 4yrs, li1st ;)lb ( DIr3l relt) brdni. I'beTHouiters' Seepstalirt of lOgs eath, for HoASvii that never e coit a Sweevstakes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... St. Ann's Clrhurclr, Liverpool, bY the Rev. W. Bluideill, Ifr. Jrrpi llarlorw, edge tool und brubh - lilsrlleacturer, of Staveley, e' rar (hebsterfield, to Mliss H. 'Iaior, loteitgest tlalighitrof Mr. Rtichiard Taylor, sruall ware `earrutactierer, of ...