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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... near the Town of Aylefbuhry, confliftig of the Manars of Aylcfbury, with Bicreton and Broughton Holl ands, alias Broughton Staveley, extending over the whole of the Parifh of Aylefbury, Biereton, and Hulcott,and the greatelt part of Welton Turvell. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aear the Town of Aylef- ' ary, confiting of the Manors of Aylfbsiry, with Biereton and roughton Hollands, alias Brouglton Staveley, extendingkaovcr ?? of the parsi' of Aylefoury, Biereton, snd1juilceatt and the greateft part of WconTnrvell. TheT'olla of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... April I 1, at eleven, May 4, at one, at Guilellall. Altorncys, Meffrs. R. and R. Shawes, 'udor-llrect, Blaclifilars. Luke Staveley, of Halifax, merchant, April 21, sS, May 4, at eleven,at the White Lion, Halifax. Attorneys, Mr. Coulthurit, Bedford-row; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bodied shod-wheel truck, pullies,.flint gdass and stone bottles: boxes, 'and numerous, valuable effedLs,' ofc tle late Widow Staveley, Wholesalir Druggist, retirirngfror business, and removing to CamberwelL 'o be viewed 'ues lay previous to the sale,%vhen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r. Baliecy Mrt. ?? Mr. S. Oxebsans in Iahicter Dr Bofl'e Tomblhng tin Cop~Ill Green U uancer noI - Cooper J. WI. 'Grchsai Staveley 1 S. IDa*SD11 Hacrvey Cr ?? ' - ?? WEILLS, Sec, dii Upwards olf s3?,ooo poor pereonss of thls several parishes of chc rcs- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & Wagstaffe 52 r0 4rl. 1sS. 7d. W. B. H. 0, 0 Additflnr!l from the Stock John Edye 10 10 Exchange. John .Salter 5 0 Win7. Staveley ae o William Greenwood 5 S -7 .J. Hensley 1o 20 William Hudson 10 I0 Charles Strl;i's I0 10 John Morris 10 I0 eter ll.iit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conditrion-, and the whriji is9 Tirveeii ni rd 'Iyrire Free.. - For -s vrew ofter- .same, artn for fir7-: thi pstlcrirs~ppltoMr. Staveley, asrv~eyr5 or Mr. Wel- lii er, ~oCiiefor, brils of Lougihbororngh~.- - i MOUNT'S B \Y, Cbrmwa1I' hrg tfu IV1LL'Al -inL srb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuesday last, in Sloane-square, Mrs. Montags, aged 47. On the 9th inst., Mrs, Mary Siaveley, relict of the late Mr. Win; Henry Staveley, of Durham-place, Hackney-road. On the 9th inst., Harriot, eldest daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Owelt, of Stockwell, Surrey, surgeon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Esq. ~~~~230 George Evarrs Brace, Eaq. I- I0 P. Bormr, aq. * 2 2 0Cap~an 1n~lcks . - a a 'In PepysEoq, . ~1500hrWilliam Staveley, Esq. 10 0 'lii hnm,'Oo Etq I It0 A. E. L). . 515 h Irn rf uo5 d. 10 PIt. T. Winterboltuosa, Erq. I I lilian Parker, sq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Southwell Parishes, and addr~esed to the Rtev. J. T. Becher. James Hidgway an.d Soons. Piccadilly; B. Fl'glowe.,, Ludgate-hilL Staveley. Nottingham; and all Bookaesilero. In a few daysl will be pub~lihed, Vriume I., with a Diap, leo, price 125. bide. of RIGINES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELL PARLISHIES, and addressed to lthe R1ev. Jr. T.HECHERI. Jamses Ridgway and Suns, Piccadilly Feliuwes, Luditloe-hill anmd staveley, N~tth~gham. Of inbomn may also be had, Just publishedi, llEMAMiAi, MEGAStUiNS Si'oGFSvar to alleviation ofAtaazcuixuoTAl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chititiery ln Lcdo detatilt thereof, they wil be perceoptocily trxel~ud tleenftote ~ ~ILLIANI STAVELEY, Esq.m-All ?? NIV haianig CIcAIMS unon tile ESTATB of WJLLJAM STAVELEY, deceaeaad, I)tol (if. No. (I raft on-street, llundlti,-tri Ire rellutasteil to forward ...