Advertisements & Notices

... British Press, Morning ?? l-ferald, Morning. Chyrqone, ?? Advertiser, Public an I.edger, and Dat,; flobe,' Star, -Suiri Courier, Traveller, su Statesman, and Pilot. 'nr Ihrie3 ?? Packet, Evening lUaj1, ano $;gn- don Chronicle, MInday, Wedrisday, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Address be advertised, once ill The Mernifig Post, Courier, Chronicle, Times, Gloucester and Cambrian News. papersi at the expence of the County. ROBERT J. A. KEM1EYS, Sheriff. Uoniouth, March 28, 1820. The Sheriff having left the Chair, it was taken ...


... ?? Particulars of the ritat maybe had upon application ltiti01c, bmwseeni the hout-s te ft oot-. CITV'of LONCDON TAVERN, e,,28. S PANISH and ITALIAN REFUGEE COM MIf'PF1EE.-Tite Commsittee annotunce the following List of addi-I tional Subscriptions : Aniount ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alI ivtil iot util trii khitest ulieon; anud is particularly recanittlIctids4 for re- steviing Rreo ch ?? iu pinit btitl-t, at 28, ; half- piiit bittles is Ot.-- Soii (by appointisient) by I Eitltartls, Ci, St. Pami's ChIarch. yi rlI J. Satner, 1il a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FarSpring Wood, and Hedgerows adjoining, near Barlow,-contains 9 Oak, 4 Ash, 9 Elm, 2 Beech, and 4 Alder4Trees, numbered from 1 W 28 inclusive; and 34 Oak, 17 Ash, I Beech, and 50 Alder Poles, crossed, together with the Bark and Top.wood of the same. LOT &-In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~ltiVV ion 110 I'ANY of the present Stession %ill commenoce oil rhurA- daly, Die Ist of April, and contitiua daily from Fightto N ine A.&t.during the miouthr, of AprIl, May, and J inot. F~ee S for the Noiee of Praprietorq and 31.159s, for those not na- Tfbere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oetivercit artii~'S~ii. tleihlt a Mrt-t, t Pit e' 1-k iu the Afternoon . to tie i~thinl'Ilitliilai MachtueLii, lth. 1il, tImd 26th April, tand the Cenac ait l~tues iltth HitaryChranOtltgy, atid Clinrveter. iii sltCl l'CTUIE, b 2. ltit1Tii'q il. F. A. A. Thie LIrat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stoke-Lyne Annual Timber Sale. 28 Lots ?? Maiden OAK 7'kllBER, With TOP, LOP, and BARK. rO B E SOLD BY AUCTION, A By J. CLE1DIENTS, At the sign of the Bear, at Baynard's Green, near Bitester, | Oxon, on Thursday next the 5th of April, 11C32,-28 Lots of V fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fraser, widl sail l'rom NEWIIAVEN for LONDON, I c,. as foilows.. 4 C! 0.1e SA`rc'lklSY 14th April; JA$IEs ,^\2tl/ lon TUESDAY, 17th April; I l,'n S AlURl)AY,2lst April The 0See J ~ .irr v Oclk aftcrnoon. he t5r o leave London for Newhaven on the l8th a:Sh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... their Friends, they purposp extending the London Courier (by a new Route.) to Alnwick, passing through MbIpeth, Longhirst, Uglhamn, Viddrington, Warkworth, and Lesbury to Ainwick. By this Route, the Courier will pas, nearer by several Miles to that much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gularly continued. Part tie Second will be published in April. The Chasms in the tepetet qy Mr. Russell and Messrs. Neseeli and Mylce, will speedily be published. 2 EXCHEQUER RnPr nT9 Of CAsas argued and determined In theCountra of Exculittalx and Rxcirglt75R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fossr Thoussand Fire Hundred Gallons Of the beat quality of S'EISM OIL ; to he delivered In ose paresi, on or Isefore the 15th April isext. To be paid for in two monsths' bills, swithissn oe month sitter tise delivery has been founsd satisfactory; aftersa-lilels ...