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... viva voce verdict of ?? Pi oven' The sentence was read to the man, and act- ed most powerfully itl restoring him. Wednesday, April 28. The JLtry gave in a written verdict,, finding, bya plu- rality of voices the pannel Ycates Guilty, aggravated by being habit ...


... , priniter-Dec. 31. J. John. son, of Sculcoates, Yorkshire, cornfactor-Dec. 28. W. Lloyd, sets. of Peckhans, and W. Lloyd, jun. of Lower Thames-street, slop- sellers-Dec. 28. D. G. Stevens, of Barlow, Essex, linen draper -Dec. 51. W. Chafer, of Kings ...


... ottd 28s. for the best, at Edge-hill ?? !dkiln. If a very Considerable qlatistiy was taken hie might so aget them a shilling a thousand less. ?? paid 262. for them mn ~gat the keiln, and had to cart them himself. Mr. J. SUasLOW said thatn. 28s. a thousand ...


... Ilajesty's Islillister at Madrid, to be forwvarded. I I base, &c. (Signed) WILLIAM MARK. A No. 28. H. Ui. Addington, Esq., to Viscount Palmuerston. Aranjuez, May 28, i8S32. 5 liy Lord-I have the hnnour to transmit herewith it letter ad- dressed to your Lordship ...

Lancaster Summer Assizes

... her grandchild. James Boardmnan, at Bolton, v le-Maors, on the 29th of April last, It appeared from d the evidence, that the daughter of the 'prisoner died on -the 29th of' April', giving birth to a male child. The dhild was nursed by the prisoner, who ...


... year he went there, and be was detained in England until Sep. tember, '28. .1 forgot to state that he had, duting that time, returnedfora mouth or two to his homein '27, butupto '28 be was the greater portion of that period engaged about the arrangement ...

Lancashire Spring Assizes

... Citsrt was that he should be imprsoned in for two yedrs, and kept to hard laho ur. soli ROBagRY BY A SERVANT. Bridget 6raeie', 28. was charged with stealing one linen bntc, 101b.4. weight tif flour, one pair of clas one IV, Ounce of tea, one ounce of csifee ...


... interview with Sir R. Peel and Mr Goulburn on the subject, but could not move them from their position by any representation or argu- ment. The question accordingly remains sub judiCe, with the opinion of the court hostile to it.' /ierairy GazeUe. CAUSES OF ...


... THE COUNTY FRANCHISE. IHVORTAN'T UASEI' itE0T1NG RENT-CHARGES. B Th e 'Bristdl Gazeitt of Thursday reports a caue argued before ge the revising barrister for East Somerset, Mr. Tyrrel. at the Ai Guldhal, ath onMonaywh~h i ofth utmost Importance toa agecls ...


... woman's statement was altogether improbablegjbqh evidence having been summed up, the prisoners were 3C quitted. ANNE DIXON (28),csn rend and write imperfectly, was charge4 with hbvilg,'^bx the 26th .Aug.attered a forged I orderfor the paymezt of moxey ...

Law Intelligence

... , William 'I 00u Of Partrid; CrateJohnuHan by,,Wtlia.Frderick Tribblel~cqr VBoll, y- estion David Hyatt. Frather herng, see 28: The Hou. A. F. C. ltVC4JaL' lesno- Orlginalprotecllon: Facshnd~loeWlimCak1Mr A.Croron C p an 'AT 0-~~j n Comaeissxomm Lvr. ...